Chapter 40

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Day: Thursday.

Before I begin the chapter I want to give you all another thanks. Just seeing the Chapter 40 feels like a blessing. I've never come this far with any book. I haven't even come at the Chapter 10 with previous stories. On Wattpad or not, this is incredibly far. And I would've quit throughout it if wasn't for all the support I got from all of you. Just seeing how many reads this story has gotten is already too much to handle.

I started off as a little 13 year old, bored. Now I have had some times that I didn't know what to write. I have had times that I was sad and that influenced my chapters. I have had times when I was writing without really wanting to. But overall I think that I'm proud of how this has become and is still becoming. I'll go on with writing. I'll go on with improving. But I want you all to know that this book stays special to me. No matter how cringy it is. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I have never felt this good in a long, long time. Wattpad has really changed a lot in my life. And it's all thanks to you. If you read this, thank you. Thank you for putting up with me for so long. Thank you for staying with me, waiting, caring, commenting and voting. I say it every chapter, but thank you.

And that's enough! My thank you chapter will come later!

( May's POV )

I smiled as Dawn and Paul walked away. I couldn't help but look at their hands. I had reached out for Drew's hand, while we were told about the letter to Misty. But Drew had crossed his arms that moment, and it became impossible for me to hold his hand. He had found Skitty, and that was it. He hadn't talked to me after that. It was just... this.

I looked at Misty. She looked tired, but confident. They all seemed confident. I was sure none of them really was all so sure, but it felt like I was the only one scared as hell. Tonight we were about to meet with the person that had tried to kill Misty. That had shot Gary. Tonight.

"So, May, are you ready?"Misty asked. She saw this as an adventure, an experiment. I saw this as suicide. But I had agreed to it, because I didn't have a choice. I needed to help. I nodded slowly.

"Guess we're going."I stated. I put my hair in a ponytail, and put on my gloves. I was fully covered with black clothes. As if I was a thief like they were dressed in movies. Or a ninja. That suited me too. It was Ash, Gary, Drew, Misty and me. Paul and Dawn would stay at the dance, making sure everything would be alright there. It probably would be.

I took a rope with me, and we left. Into the darkness. The Vien Forest was close to school, and we got there quickly. Drew, Gary and Ash with us. Ash hid behind a building, just well enough not to be seen. Drew hid in a tree, and Gary and I hid in a bush. Gary would've gone in the tree if it wasn't for his, still not fully healed, arm. But we waited.

We had talked through the plan so many times, but I stayed nervous. Gary was getting afraid that she wouldn't come, and looked for any sign of Leaf every minute. I was just getting tired. It was late and I hadn't slept that well.

"Stay awake, May."Gary said throughout his search for Leaf. "We don't want you to doze off, while the rest is busy fighting."

"Since when can you fight?"I asked annoyed. He glared at me.

"Already some time."he muttered. My heartbeat was faster than I wanted to admit. This was it. I was gonna see who did everything, all the bad stuff that happened, I would see it. And she and Misty would negotiate. At least, try to. I looked at Drew in the tree. His green hair was too bright for the tree, but you would only spot him if you knew he was there. And he could hide his hair with the thief-suit. Gary seemed to blend in perfectly, and Ash was nowhere to be found. He somehow managed to be hidden the best of all. I breathed faster and faster as footsteps approached.

False Hope (Pokémon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ