grace let the rain drops hit her face. their cold temperature calming her down. she always had found the rain calming. she outstretched her umbrella and continued to walk down the street.

stopping at a corner she pulled out her camera and took photos of all that caught her eye. there was always something dark about her photos sometimes there was so much light in them. sometimes it was just a mix of all she felt. same with everything else she created. it was all a chaos. her mind displayed on the cotton of a canvas or the smooth texture of a piece of paper. her emotions portrayed in all she touched. sometimes she would capture her darkness and other times it would be the small corners of her joy.

she watched a child cross the street with his mother. they walked hand in hand. she snapped the shot and then watched as the child jumped in the rain. she zoomed into his face and captured a bright smile as a raindrop hit his face. she smiled and looked around through her camera lense.

approaching her was a guy. he was looking at the floor. his hands in his pocket. he looked up just as she snapped the photo. it was jimin. he smiled and she took another photo.

"hello grace." she heard. she put her camera down. it hung around her neck as she smiled at the boy walking towards her.

"jimin." she said.

"i thought it was you." he said.

"i hope you don't mind but i got a few pictures." she says picking up her camera.

"i don't mind." she looked at the pictures and smiled at his perfect figure.

"you look great jimin. a natural model." she said with a small laugh.

"thank you. i keep telling everyone but they don't believe me!" he says chuckling.

"what are you doing out here?" grace asks.

"i was going to get something to eat for the guys and i."

"ah. mind if i accompany you?" she asks and purses her lips.

"i was just going to ask you that." he said with a cute smile.

they walked together. jimin admired her attire. she had great style and he seemed to really like that. the big jacket looked great on her, he thought. she pulled it off quite well. he had always been attracted to girl who could pull off casual oversized cute clothing. she did just that and he was attracted to it.

"what were you doing out here?" he asks her.

"i was visiting someone." she said.

jimin looked at her and saw a sad look flash through her beautiful eyes. he wanted to ask her about it but decided not to because they didn't really know each other much. maybe she wouldn't want to talk to him about it.

"the guys were talking about you today. they were wondering where they could find you again. they seem to like you." jimin says.

"i like them as well. they're sweet."

"wait until they get comfortable with you. the jokes will never stop. you'll want to punch them in the face."

grace liked to hear that. jimin thought that hey would have her around for a while and the thought of that made her smile. they actually liked her. she wanted to be friends with all of them.

"what are they doing now?" she asks.

"well, suga was still sleeping. the rest of them were just getting ready for the day. they sent me for the food since i was ready. what are you doing today?"

"not much. i was just going to head home and get a head start on homework and get some cleaning done." she replied.

"i think the guys would be happy to see you. you should hang out with us today. that is, if you want." grace smiled and slowly nodded.

"okay." she said shrugging.

grace and jimin walked to the food place and they got the food for the guys. they walked back to their apartments talking about random things. jimin found that grace was an easy person to talk to. she listened and seemed genuinely interested. he admired that. he also took in more of her beauty. from beside her he got a closer look at her. she had a small mouth, it was cute. her lips were a pretty shade of pink. she had a small cute nose and wide green eyes. her skin was smooth and a light ivory shade. she had slightly pink cheeks that raised when she smiled. the way her hair feel on to her face when she looked down made him smile. she was very cute.

"you did that?" he asked her as she laughed.

"yes. it was the craziest thing i had done in my life."

she was telling him about them time she got lost in the crowded streets of los angeles. she had forgotten her phone in her room and her friend was out with her boyfriend. she remembered raising her hand when a man asked if anyone wanted to recite a poem. she walked up the small stage he had and took the microphone. she made up a whole poem about being lost and asked if anyone could help her get home. she was only eighteen at the time.

"how often do you visit america?" jimin asked.

"once or twice a year. sometimes i go during the summer and other times during thanksgiving." she relied.

"you have family there?"

"yeah. my aunt lives there. she lives in california."

"so, you travel a lot?"

"i guess so. i like to see the world. it's beautiful out there." she says with a large smile jimin can only admire.

they arrive at the guys apartment and the boys are happy to see grace but especially the food.

"where did you find her?" nam-joon asks jimin.

"on the street." he replies. grace smiles and nods.

"i didn't think we would see you in a long time. we had no way to contact you." nam-joon says.

she spent the morning with the guys. later in the afternoon they watched a movie and they just sat in the living room and told stories about each other. it was still surreal to grace. she couldn't wrap her head around the situation. they were truly there. she and all of bts.

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