Chapter 31: Five Little Dots

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"But she's not gonna let you get close," said Jeremy, shaking his head. "She's smart. Don't you think she'll figure out that you want to use her and take her job?"

"You raise a good point," Sebastian said, nodding. "I'll need to pay someone else to sleep with her."

Jeremy looked down at Kevin and shook his head. There was no convincing Sebastian to do the right thing, ever.

"And then," Sebastian continued to the next circle. "We will have what we need to blackmail her into resigning and appointing me as her replacement."

"How long do you expect this to take?" Jeremy sighed. "Cause I'm up for a promotion and—"

"And you'll get it," Sebastian assured him. "I'm willing to wait six months to a year for Rowena to fall in love. Then only a month after to crush her like a bug and get my baby back." Kevin babbled so Sebastian said, "My other baby, of course."

Reaching his arms out, he approached his son and took him from Jeremy. After getting a whiff of him, however, he put him back down and moved away.

"He needs a bath," Sebastian said, covering his mouth and walking away. "I'm going out to lunch so why don't you take care of that."

"I—" said Jeremy, but like always, there was no use.


"So here it is," Amity set a calendar in front of Dan on her living room coffee table.

"What am I looking at?" he wondered.

She pointed to the current date and said, "I'm on week 29 of my pregnancy. I'm showing big time now and I think that by week 32 or 33 I'll start to become uncomfortable."

"Ok..." Dan nodded slowly.

"I won't be able to have sex," said Amity, surprising him. "At least not at the optimal time. And it won't be ideal for Damian either at that point."

"Ok," Dan said again, this time caught up. "So here's a suggestion... This sex schedule tracking thing is ridiculous." Amity rolled her eyes so he said, "No, really. Amity, you should just wait until you've had the baby for this virginity losing crusade if it's requiring so much careful planning."

"No," Amity shook her head. "I have to do this before I have her because by then Damian could move on... You just don't understand, Dan. You lost your virginity a long time ago. The pressure is off for you but this is something I've carried for a long time."

"Sex is not that big of a deal," said Dan. "Unless you're connected with the person you're having it with. Have you felt that way with Damian? Connected?"


"Santana Lopez closed off her tour this weekend," said Tenesha on Starstruck, "and although she only toured North and South America it was still a pretty big deal to her fans, who trended the hashtag—"

Rachel muted the television and leaned back on her couch. She was finally back home, only to be stuck there alone and bored while Finn and Olivia went to school. Maybe this was better, since at least she was able to avoid her husband.

She put the screen back on when they showed footage of Santana's concert, the one she had attended. She closed her eyes and transported herself back to that moment.


["Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart" by Alicia Keys.]

Instead of Santana on stage, Rachel was the one performing, to a big crowd of adoring fans. Santana stood behind her, backup vocals, and Finn was in the pit with the rest of their friends.

It's Not Over Yet (the seventh book in the glee series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن