Chapter 14

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(So im thinking of starting a new 1D story!!Any ideas? or requests?)

"Ug im so tired,"I groan when i wake up in the morning. As soon as we said goodbye to everyone we were put on a plane to go back to LA. "Yeah all of us are but we have a concert later then we have to go to Las Vagas,"Liam says as he pokes zayns arm to wake him.

"Ug another plane,"I whine. He ingnores me and starts pulling Zayns arm. "Liam if you do that hes gonna kill you,"I warn knowing his intentions. He shrugs and pulls hard. Zayn falls out of bed and wacks his head hard on the floor.

"Ow Liam,"He whines. "Oops you should have woke up,"Liam asks running out of the room quickly. "You ok?"I ask him. "No! Theres a bump on my head,"He says putting his hand over his forehead. I pry his hand off and poke the bump.

He slaps my hand away,"Dont poke at it." "Im just trying to help,"I say throwing my arms up dramaticly. "How is poking it gonna help?Nevermind i gotta go hurt Liam,"He stalks past me and out the door.

"Dont run, its not gonna help with your head,"I yell walking after him knowing it was useless to try and stop him. "Ow Zayn!"I hear Liam yells so i run to the kitchen. Zayn was smacking Liam on the head while Lou and Harry were looking at them amused.

"Look what you did to my beautuful face,"Zayn whines and grabs a spoon. Liam runs to the other side of the kitchen and hides behind. "I got a spoon Liam,"Zayn smirks stalking toword us. "I got your boyfriend,"Liam yells wraping an arm around my neck so he had me hostage.

"Come on i dont want to be involved it this,"I whine trying to pull away. "Then tell your boyfriend to leave me alone,"Liam says. "NEVER!"Zayn yells and jumps at us tackling us both to the ground. He had Liam pinned to the floor the spoon to his neck.

"Say sorry,"Zayn yells as him. "SORRRY!"Liam yells. Zayn smirks. "Now say im the hotest guy in the world and that you will go gay for me." Liam frowns and hesitates before saying it. "Ok im good now,"Zayn says walking over to me.

"So liam your gay for Zayn?"Harry asks and bursts out laughing.  Liam scowls at him before sitting down. "Says the guy thats gay for all us,"Liam shoots back. "No only boobear,"Harry says and kisses Louis nose.

"Even though you wanted us all to have a fivesome,"Zayn mutters. Harry cant haelp but Smile at that. "And the guy that was trying to have a threesome with my boyfriend,"I say scowlling at him. "Who says im the one who wanted a threesome with Zayn?"Harry smirks. I notice that Lou blushes but he hides it quickly.

"Zayn you know you wanted it,"Harry winks at him. Zayn rolls his eyes,"Im good with my Nialler." I smile up at him and he kisses me lightly. "Ok everyone find something to eat, then get ready, its already 3;00, will be in my room away from all the grossness,"Liam says scowling at all of us before leaving.


"WTF Harry," I yell at him once were inside. "What?"He asks confused. "You were totally just flirting with that guy,"I yell. "No i wasnt,"He protests and his hand goes behind his back. "Whats in your hand?"I ask walking toword him.

"Nothing,"He shrugs. I jump at him and grab the peice of paper. "Oh yeah this is nothing, its that guys number,"I yell. "Its harmless,"Harry yells back. "Oh yeah, thats why it says cant wait to see you later, xoxo, with a winky face,"I yell and throw it at him.

"Have fun with your new guy,"I yell and stalk off to the bathroom. He stands there speechless. As soon as i get to the bathroom i break down crying. I was stupid. I should have known Harry couldnt stay with one guy for long.

"Louis?"I hear a deep voice ask. i dont say anything and just sit there hoping they will leave. "Lou i know your in there open the door,"Zayn says knocking on the stall door. I get up and unlock it. "You ok?"He asks.

"Fine,"I mutter. "Im pretty sure Harry didnt mean anything with that note from the guy, you should talk to him." I frown and look up at him. Why couldnt harry be more like him. "Idk,"I say. "Well just let him exsplain, ok?" "I dont want to, he was flirthing with that other guy, nothing to exsplain he dosnt love me anymore."

"Lou yes he does, how can anyone not like you?" He says titling my chin up and looking into my eyes. I dont think i just do.


Lou pushes me up against the wall and stares at me hungerly beofre his lip touch mine. I try pushing him away but he dosnt move. I try to say his name but that just lets his tounge in. "Harry wants to talk,"Niall says running in but stops when he sees us.

Niall runs out tears in his eyes. "Louis get off me!"I yell pushing him away roughly. I run past a confused harry and follow Niall. "Niall wait,"I scream. He runs into the dressing room and slams the door.

"Niall,"I call trying to open it but it was locked. "It wasnt what it looked like,"I say. "Just leave me alone, I hate you,"He yells his voice breaking. I lean against the door and slid down to the floor and sit there.

He hated me. I lost my Nialler. "What is going on? Louis's in the bathroom crying that he ruins everything and wont let me in,"Harry asks coming over to me. "Louis kissed me and Niall saw and now he hates me,"I whispear.

He looks at me pain in his eyes.  "He kissed you?" I nod. "But dont blame him, he was hurt and just wanted to feel loved, i dont blame him, i just wished he wouldnt have done it,"I sigh. Harry nods and walks away slowly.

After maybe an hour Liam comes over. "Come on we need to go get readyl,"He says pulling me to my feet. "I dont want to leave Niall,"I say. "We still have to do the concert Zayn, just come get ready in my dressing room, Harry and Lou are already ready,"He says.

"They made up?"I ask. He nods. "Yeah but Louis still mad at himself for what he did." I follow Liam to his dressing room to get ready.


That was the most akward concert we have ever done. We all tried are best to look normal for the fans but it was still pretty ovious something was wrong. As soon as we get done, i try to talk to Niall but he just stalks to the limo.

"Im so sorry,"Louis says as we follow after him. "Its fine Lou,"I say trying to hide the pain i felt. Im pretty sure that was the first time Niall didnt sit by me on the Limo. I sat on one side of liam while he sat on the other. Even Lou and Harry didnt cuddle up.

Niall runs up to our room and locks himself in right when we get there. "Niall please talk to me," I cry into the door. Sielnce anwsers me. i sink to the floor once again crying. "Come on you need to eat,"Liam says to niall.

He tried to get me to go but i wouldnt move. So instead he brought up a plate of pizza for us both. "Liam im fine i have food in my mini fridge, just go back to your room,"Niall says. Liam sighs before handing me a plate of pizza. "Get some sleep,"He says before leaving.

I knew Niall was lying. The only stuff we had in our mini fridge was sota and water. I take my plate of food and mangage to slip it unger the door by putting it on my napkin. I put the plate to the side and curl up in a ball in front of the door.


i get a text from Liam at noon. "Niall talk to him,"It read. It had a picture attached to it so i open it. Zayn was curled up in a ball, with blood shot eyes from lack of sleep. He had bags under his eyes and he had freash tears. I knew i should let him talk but i didnt want to talk to him.He was kissing Louis, it didnt want me anymore. Just like that im crying again.

(Sorry its short and kinda bad but i havent slept in the past three days becasue im waiting for the guys to do a twitcam........hope you like it though, lots of drama) three likes until next chapter, please!!ily guys<3)

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