The lamp light is still on and the phone is in my hand. I was probably running a high temperature and blacked out.

The clock on my night stand indicates that is 9:16 p.m. I haven't been sleeping for too long.

I make myself some of that herbal tea Jasmine brought me and drink it trying hard to ignore the disgusting taste so it won't give me more nausea... I don't get how she actually enjoys drinking this stuff!
I have to brush my teeth when I'm done to get rid of the taste lingering in my mouth. And while I'm still in the bathroom the doorbell rings.

There's nothing I can do to fix my appearance at this point, so I just put my hair up into a messy bun, wash my face and cross my fingers it's just Stefan at the door.

My jaw hits the ground when I look through the peephole.


I let the man in and hurry to close the door behind us. It's the middle of the city, he shouldn't risk being seen out on the streets like this!

Yet here he is.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I stare at him in disbelief but launch myself into his arms as soon as I snap out of the initial shock.

"I heard a beautiful woman at this address was ill and required personalized care."

I don't want to let go, so I press my chin against his chest and look up at him to speak without breaking my hold on him.

"I don't think I fit the description, but maybe she's upstairs. Want to come check?"

"I think the description falls short, actually. But let's go check in case there's someone dying up there. I don't want to waste this soup I brought on you if you're not the patient I'm looking for."

I can't begin to express what his presence here means to me.

He flew all the way from Detroit only to spend a few hours with me and make sure I wasn't alone tonight.
I was already content with talking to him on the phone, so this really warms my heart.

If he doesn't stop looking at me with those adoring eyes and doesn't let go of me, I am willing to spend the rest of the night standing here in this foyer inside his arms, the safest place I've ever been in.

"I never thought that you
Would be the one to hold my heart
But you came around and you knocked me
Off the ground from the start

You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
You put your arms around me and I'm home


And I've never opened up
I've never truly loved
Till you put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go


You put your arms around me and I'm home"

Harry grabs the bag he hung on the coat hanger when he came in and I take his hand to lead him up the stairs.

"What are you doing barefoot and so... uncovered, woman? I shouldn't complain, but you have a fever!"

He scans me from head to toe and I want to disappear, I look terrible!

"I get too warm, then cold, then warm again, so I just throw on a blanket whenever I need to."

I open the door at the top of the stairs and as soon as we step into the living room Sebastian comes wagging his tail and demanding Harry's undivided attention. Seb might intimidate non-dog-lovers because of his size, but he is absolutely harmless and full of love.

The sight of the two of them getting acquainted makes me want to get my phone out and record them. Harry is adorable with him. And my baby seems to really like him, too.

"Quite the nice place you have here, Brant. I really like your style."

Harry's eyes inspect the open space consisting of a living room, a small dining area and the kitchen. The walls are all white but the furniture adds pops of color all around with different floral or abstract designs painted on cabinet doors and drawers, making the furniture pieces of art in themselves and decreasing the need to clutter the walls with excessive decorations.

"Did you paint them?" He adds.

"No! I'd need actual artistic talent for that!" I wink at him. "I found Yana, this lovely Russian lady at a street market when I was moving here. She restores old furniture and gives them a fresh new look that kind of goes with my unconventional style. It started with me buying one dresser for my bedroom and it ended with her doing pieces for me for the entire apartment."

"It's very you, I love it."

Showing him around the place takes a mere minute. There's only my bedroom and a spare room I turned into a tv-room/office left to see.

While looking at my books on a shelf, Harry spots a picture frame that catches his attention.
It's a photo of my mom.

"Jesus Christ, Emi! She's..."

He's at a loss for words.

"Beautiful? She was, wasn't she?"

"Yes, stunning! But that's not what I was going to say. What shocked me is the resemblance. You look exactly like her! With the exception of your eyes, of course."

That part is true, I have my father's eyes. Hers were as dark as the night sky, but they shined with the light of a million constellations.

"I have a lot of her, yes. But she was something else! Her beauty was captivating. Looking at her was like looking at the sun."

"And how do you think it feels like to look at you?"

Harry stares deeply into my eyes and maintains a serious face, he really does mean what he just said and is trying to make me realize it.

"Your objectivity might be compromised."

"My objectivity is intact. You have her looks, and with those dazzling blue eyes you're even more beautiful than she was."

My God! Why do I have to be sick? I want to kiss him sooooo badly!!

"Are you trying to cure me with compliments? 'Cause it's working!"

"I'm only stating facts."

He takes a seat at the dining table and pulls out a chair next to him for me. I shake my head no and sit on his lap instead.

My health improves the closer I get to him.


ARMS - Christina Perri.

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