Epilogue: Living on for Friends (Malachi)

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"Gosh..." Zoey said. "Is that it, then... Are we done?"

"I think so..." Kanye said.

"Let's get to the helicopter then." Ren said.

"Yeah... Alright." Layne said.

Kanye, Layne, Ren and Zoey walked out the door, but Atsuki lagged behind them to speak to me.

"Malachi, are you okay?" Atsuki asked me.

"I-I'm fine..." I said.

"Okay... You're gonna come with us, right?" Atsuki asked again.

"Yes. Just give me a little bit, okay?" I said.

"Alright... Just come to the hospital roof when you're ready. I think the helicopter should be on the helipad there." Atsuki said, and left.

I sighed and stayed in the trial area for a bit, and soon put the hood of my sweatshirt that was on under the sweater Spencer gave me, and left with the laptop Nao gave me.

I headed over to the the hotel before anything. I wanted to gather some things I could remember my friends by.

The first room I went to was Bahira's. I knew what to grab here. I found a spare of her silk white scarfs and put one on. I held part of it to my lips for a second, and left.

The second room I went to was Amaya's. I found her guitar here. I noticed it was moved back here after her trial was over, and it was cleaned off. Like nothing happened. I put her guitar on my back, but then I noticed Yudai's sweatshirt was here too. I thought that they shouldn't be apart, even in spirit, so I zipped up Yudai's hoodie and put it on Amaya's guitar, and walked out.

The third room was Spencer's room. I wasn't the closest with Spencer, but I felt I shouldn't just leave his mother here, when he always wanted to be with her. I looked inside and noticed his scarf was already put back in here. Monokuma must have done that during the trial. I closed it again and carried it out with me.

The final room was Eri's room. I didn't know what to get from here, but Eri was the one I loved, after all... I didn't want to do something weird like take any of her clothing items, so I thought for a while, but suddenly remembered the photobook in the city hall. Maybe there's a picture of us there.

I hurried to the city hall and found the photobook again. I flipped through each page looking, and finally did actually find a picture of just Eri and I together, happy. I almost cried seeing it, and put it in my pocket. I then realized that I should take the whole photobook as well, because there are pictures of all my friends in here. So carried it with the laptop and finally headed to the hospital.

I reached the roof, and saw everyone there. I noticed Zoey had a laptop of her own as well...

Kanye noticed me and spoke up, "Oh, hey, Malachi!" He said. "Ready to go?"

"Yes." I responded.

Atsuki looked at me and saw all of the items I had. "Oh, that's what you were doing... That's nice of you, Malachi."

I just sighed.

The others lined up together. With Atsuki in the middle, and Layne and then Kanye on her left, and Ren and then Zoey on her right.

I overheard them talking.

"Well, it looks like we're heading back to the Future Foundation headquarters now." Layne said.

"Yeah, we still got some work to do." Kanye said.

"Well, I'm ready to finally be around everyone again." Atsuki mentioned.

"Yeah, me too..." Ren said.

"And I'll be there too!" Zoey said.

I sighed and turned away from them.

As they look on to the future... I refuse.

They can easily let go of the past... But they clearly haven't lost as much as me.

My family, friends, love interest...

I just want to see them all again.

But I probably can't...

I know they're all watching over me, but still...

"Hey, Malachi! Let's go!" Kanye says.

I sigh and get in the helicopter. There's a front  with four seats, where Kanye, Layne and Atsuki were with the pilot. The middle section had two seats, taken by Zoey and Ren. So then, I moved to the far back of the helicopter alone, with all of my stuff. Luckily I still had it all with me, I didn't lose any on the way here.

I can't let go of that past. But I have to face the future.

But there really is no interest for the future in me. The same goes for hope, despair, and my talent of luck.

I look out the window as we start to fly.

This really is depressing now... It's like all my happiness is gone.

Even then... I guess I have to do what Nao wanted me to do, then.

Then I will.

I'll follow the truth, no matter what. And I'll live on as well.

For you, Nao.

For all of my friends.

I love you all.

Living on for Friends

4/16 Students Remain

Danganronpa: Follow the Truth

4/16 Students Survived

Continued onto
Danganronpa Another Episode:
Kingdom of Lies

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