Chapter 5: My Final Attempt to End it All- Day 1 (Spencer)

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I woke up to Monokuma's usual morning announcement... It was always annoying, but it worked, I suppose.

I got up and got ready, the last thing I put on was my scarf, which was always kept in her jar... I opened it and took out my scarf, staring at it a bit before I finally put it on again. I grabbed some yarn and my knitting needles and headed out of my room, and down to the lobby of the hotel.

In the lobby already were Malachi, Ren and Zoey. I sat down and started knitting.

"Good morning, Spencer." Ren said.

"Morning..." I responded.

I sat silent, knitting. I was almost done with this one thing... Hopefully I'll get it done today.

Nao came down soon, and everyone greeted him. But still no Atsuki or Cassius here yet. I noticed Nao sit next to Malachi.

A while after Nao came down, Atsuki finally showed up, and she was greeted. And then, a little while later, Cassius showed up.

"Good morning, Cassius." Atsuki said.

Cassius just sighed. "I'm only here so Monokuma can just tell us what he wants to already."

"Oh, you're right." Ren said. "Monokuma does usually give us a reward for solving the trials... Like new areas."

"Oh! I wonder what we'll get this time!" Zoey said happily... And loudly.

"...Wouldn't he have shown up by now?" Nao asked. "Monokuma usually interrupts us while we're talking here..."

"Nao's right. What's he waiting for?" Malachi asked.

"Maybe he won't tell us. We should go investigate on our own then." Cassius said.

"I'm not opposed to that idea. Let's go." Ren said, and got up. He left the hotel and Zoey ran after him.

Everyone else got up as well, and I finished knitting. "Ah, hold on-" I called out, but they were all already out the door. Ah well, I'll find him later and give it to him.

I sighed and stood up, and headed out the door to find out where everyone else went. Eventually, I did find a fifth area that was opened up. I wonder why Monokuma didn't tell us, then. Putting that aside, I started searching the new area.

The first building I found was a city hall... Like the place the mayor would be. Perhaps what's used to control Monokuma is in here... Unfortunately, though, the door was locked, and we couldn't get inside, so I left to the next building I could find.

The second building I found was a police department. There was a small lobby room in the front, and a room to and office behind a counter. It looked like there were file cabinets in the office, but I didn't mind to check any. The department was also attached to a small prision, and there were about eight jail cells there. Nobody else was here, so I moved on.

The third... place, here was what seemed to be an electric power plant. There were generators surrounding the outside, and power lines going from here to every other building. There was a ladder to go up inside the power plant, but I was honestly afraid and it didn't seem like a good idea, so I decided against it, and moved to the next place.

The next building was the last I could find, and it was a large, strange building, and everyone else was standing in front of it already, too.

"What's going on? Why is everyone already here?" I asked, walking up to them all.

"We're looking at this strange building." Cassius said.

"What's so strange about it?" I asked.

"For starters, there's this symbol on the door that means 'Future' in japanese... And there is a small sign that says Future Foundation Headquarters." Ren explained.

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