Chapter 1: Pressure to Save Siblings- Day 2 (Yudai)

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I woke up to Monobear's dumb announcement to wake up. Sighing, I got up and got dressed and stuff.

Yesterday was pretty interesting from those videos Monobear gave us. Mine was just someone dying. Lmao, they got bodied.

An MLG mix of that even would have been better. Or depressing music over the death.
How funny.

I left my room and locked the door, and then went downstairs to the lounge, because I think we were supposed to meet there.

When I got there, though, only Ren was there.

"...Oh shit waddup...?" I asked.

"Hi Yudai. I'm not sure why nobody else is here." Ren said. "People might be scared over those videos."

"What? That's dumb." I said. "My video wasn't bad at all."

Ren shrugged. "The others must have not liked theirs, by the looks of it." He said.

Right then, Waffle came down the stairs.

"Oh, good morning, Waffle." Ren said.

"Ayy, what's up?" I asked.

"I... I am sorry for not being here earlier." Waffle said. "That video Monokuma gave me, It... It struck me hard. It took a lot of effort to come out of my room after that."

"Waffle, may I ask what was on your video?" Ren asked.

"M-My video...? I-It was of... My sister dying..." Waffle said. "My sister..."

"Oh." Ren said. "Was everybody's of someone dying?" He asked.

"Possibly..." Waffle said.

Malachi walked into the lounge next. "Good morning, you three..." He said.

"Mal," Ren started, "Was your video of your cousin again?"

Malachi nodded. "Yes, it was..."

"So that's what it is..." Ren said. "Videos of people we should know dying."

Atsuki came down next. "Hey." She said. "Uh, sorry. I was just thinking. My video wasn't so bad..." She said.

Soon, everyone was down in the lounge, the twins coming last.

"Welcome, everyone..." Waffle said. "We... Are all sorry for the videos... Uh... I'm sorry... That is all..."

"Should we leave?" Zoey asked. "I... I don't have time to deal with silly pranks."

"You may..." Waffle said, then nearly everyone left. I just stepped outside.

Amaya ran after me. "Yudai, love!" She yelled.

I sighed. "Amaya..."

She hugged me suddenly. "Yudai, was your video bad like mine? I'm sorry, Yudai, you must be so, so sad..."

"My video wasn't bad." I said.

"It wasn't...? But... Didn't your sister or something die...?" Amaya asked.

I thought about the video. "Nah. I don't have any family." I said.

"Wha? No family?" Amaya gasped. "Oh, Yudai, How can you go on without one?"

"Who said I haven't tried to end this?" I asked.

"Y-Yudai, love, you've tried to die?! Oh, no!" Amaya hugged me tighter.

"That's no problem. It would happen naturally later, anyway." I said.

Amaya looked at me in shock. "You... You've lost all your happiness and will to live when your family died, didn't you?" She asked.

"Amaya, leave me alone now." I said.

"Y-You only do meme things to think of something else, don't you...?" Amaya said, hugging me even tighter.

"Amaya, go away!" I yelled.

"...No. Yudai... I... Now that I know why you act the way you do and that you've tried to die... I'll definitely make you happy." Amaya said.

"Amaya..." I turned my head away. "Why would you dare care about me so much? I don't look nice, and I don't have any personality..."

"I saw something in you when I first met you... And I don't care what other people say, but you're very pretty and never deserve to be sad." Amaya said.

I started to tear up suddenly. "I...! D-Dammit, Amaya, you're making me cry!" I blushed.

Amaya turned my head back to her. "Please, Yudai... Let me give you a happy life as long as you live..."

"You know I can't give up my talent." I said.

"Then don't, Yudai. If you're happy, I'll be happy." Amaya said, smiling.

"Amaya..." I started, but Amaya shushed me by putting her finger to my lips.

Then she pulled her hand back, smiled, and then brought her face closer to mine.

And then she kissed me.

I... I've never felt so... Well, loved, before. Ever since my family died in a plane crash years ago, I was forced to live as an orphan. At that point, all I had was my phone, so all I did was make memes to make me forget and be happy... I guess that's why my video was a random person... I... Augh... I hate thinking about this. But... Amaya made me feel... Loved again... I couldn't help but sink into her kiss.

Amaya broke the kiss after a while. "Yudai... I'm sorry, but may I ask you to be my girlfriend? I know you were uncomfortable with this, but..."

"Sure." I said. "No, I mean... Yes. I want to be your girlfriend, Amaya." I was a blushing mess. What a fool I am, this green haired guitar player made me fall for her! Damn.

"R-Really?" Amaya asked, smiling. "That makes me so happy! I love you a lot, Yudai!"

"I-I... Love... You too... Amaya." I said, forcing out the words... I haven't felt love in so long.

Amaya smiled and kissed me again, and I just starting blushing more and feeling all warm inside... This... Is this what love feels like?

During our kiss, Monokuma came on screen and told us to get our butts to bed.

Amaya pulled away. "Would you like to sleep in the same room? Someone might actually try to kill someone to leave, and I want to keep you safe." She asked.

"Hey, I'm up for that." I smiled. "I mean, I make sexual memes a lot of the time. How bad could real sexual activities be?"

"Th-That isn't what I meant, Yudai!" Amaya blushed. "H-However... If you want to, I suppose we could do something dirty..."

I laughed. "We don't have to do anything, but I won't deny anything." I winked as a joke.

Amaya smiled and picked me up. I shrieked some and blushed, and Amaya giggled. "I'm just bringing you to our room for the night, Yudai." She smiled.

I sighed. "Oh... That was dumb of me." I smiled. "Let's go."

Amaya carried me to her room and put me in her bed, and then came and lay next to me. She hugged me and soon fell alseep, and I fell asleep happy that I could love again.

...Thank you, Amaya.

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