Chapter 1: Pressure to Save Siblings- Day 1 (Masa)

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I woke up to Monokuma on the screen, telling us to rise and shine for another day. Basically, a daytime announcement.

I got out of bed slowly and got ready, then left my room in the hotel and out into the hall.

Kisho had also left his room right next to me about the same time I did, and after we both locked our doors, I felt him run up to me and hug me.

"Hello, brother dearest!" Kisho said. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Y-Yes, thank you, Kisho..." I responded.

"Excuse me!" I heard someone say. It was Waffle. He walked up to us.

"Ah, hello, Prince Waffle!" Kisho smiled. "What is it you would like to tell us?"

"I've decided it would be wise of us to come to the lounge of the hotel in the morning. Would you please join us?" Waffle asked.

"Oh yes, we will!" Kisho answered. "We'll come right down!"

"Thank you! I must go tell the others now. Goodbye!" Waffle said, and left.

"Goodbye!" Kisho yelled back. "Come, Masa, let's go to the lounge!"

"O-Okay, Kisho..." I said.

Kisho went downstairs to the lounge and I followed him. There weren't many there at first, but soon everyone was down in the lounge together.

"Hello, everyone." Waffle said. "Thank you for coming. I was hoping that we could meet here every day, so we could make sure we are all still alive. Is that okay with you all?"

"That is a smart idea, Waffle." Setsuko said.

"I agree with Setsuko!" Atsuki said. "We should definately keep doing this!"

"Any objections?" Ren asked. "No? Well, then it's settled." He said.

"Very well. Thank you for your time everyone!" Waffle said.

"Hmph! How pointless!" Bahira said, and stormed out of the hotel.

Soon everyone else also left, and Nao was the last one to slump out of the room. With nothing to do, and even Kisho being gone, I decided I would go in to the abandoned building and see if anyone was there. It's not like anything bad would happen... right? Either way, I still left the hotel and walked through the streets until I got to the abandoned building, and walked in.

At first glance, nobody was there, but looking around more, I did notice one person in a side room, doing something...

"E-Emma? Wh-What are you doing?" I asked.

Emma turned around and saw me. "Ah, hello Masa! I was practicing my great magic! What are you doing here?" Emma stared at me, then gasped. "Wait, I know! You wanted to assist me, didn't you?!" She asked, yelling.

"W-Well, that's not what I had in mind... B-But I don't have anything to do... So I guess I could..." I said.

"Yay! Thank you, Masa! Now come here!" Emma grabbed me and pulled me to her. "Hmm... What magic to do... Oh, I know! Watch this!" She yelled, then suddenly had handcuffs, one on her and on on me, trapping us together.

"Ah! Wh-What the heck?!" I yelled.

"Hah! Do not fear, silly Masa! Watch!" Emma said, then snapped her fingers and the handcuffs just came off. "Yay, magic!"

"O-Oh wow... That was really cool, E-Emma." I said, blushing slightly.

"Thank you, Masa!" Emma smiled. "I enjoy your supportive comments! They fill me with happiness!" Emma said.

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