Chapter 5: My Final Attempt to End it All- Investigation (Atsuki)

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"What? Spencer's dead?" I asked. "Why him... Why now?"

Monokuma appeared in front of us. "Hello, everyone! I'm sure you know what time it is... That's right, it's time for another Monokuma File! It's up and ready for you on your handbooks! I'll see you all at the trial! Upupu~" Monokuma laughed, and left again.

"Looks like we have to invesigate, then." Ren said.

I decide to get started on my own. I don't typically get to investigate with anyone here, so this is normal. I pull out my e-Handbook and check the Monokuma File.

The Monokuma File wasn't a big help, because it stated that the cause of death was unknown.

I looked up from my e-Handbook and realized that everyone was already gone. I sighed and moved to Spencer's body. The first thing I noticed was that the ends of his scarf were both hanging from behind him. So perhaps a strangulation?

However, I checked his body more. I noticed that his left palm was bloody, and it stained his scarf where he was covering it. His right hand was also over his left when it was up to his scarf. Also, upon further investigating, Spencer had no external wounds on his body... Including his neck. So perhaps he wasn't strangled like it seemed at first...

There was also a lemonade can on the table infront of Spencer... Which wasn't there when I first entered. I examined the can, and found out that it was half empty already... Perhaps... Hmm, I'll have to check something out.

I left the police department and headed to the research labs in the fourth area. I entered the chemisty lab and immediately found that there was a bottle of powdered poison spilled on the ground infront of the cabinet of all of the poisons and drugs. So someone was here. That's all I should need to know. Perhaps I should check the restaurant about that lemonade can...

I followed through with my idea and headed to the restaurant... I didn't see much there, but I found an empty bottle of poison. The label said it was a very lethal poison... And it would cause death just a few minutes after ingestion. So the killer applied this to the lemonade here, then? I see...

I decided to move to Spencer's own room, to see if I could find anything there. There wasn't much to see, though...

However, on Spencer's desk I found a jar. On the jar was a word... A label, perhaps...

"Mother." I read to myself.

I opened the jar, and inside... Were just ashes. Does this mean... I wonder...

Huh? There's something else in the jar... I pull it out. A piece of white fabric? Huh... Maybe I should check Spencer's file for more information...

With that in mind, I moved over to the police department again and went to the filing cabinets. I went through the files again and found his file.

After a while, I found some information on the jar. It says that his mother died and was crementated, and he refuses to leave her ashes. He also treasures the white scarf his mother made for him. So that must mean that jar was her ashes... Poor Spencer...

I moved back to the front room of the police department and sat down. I wonder what I need to investigate now... There isn't much of a way to find out who killed Spencer or did anything else... She really is so much better at investigating than me... Haha...

Oh... Maybe there's one thing I can try to determine... Monokuma did give us somewhat of a motive... The traitor, huh...

I got up and moved to the city hall entrance, where we found Monokuma's torn apart body. It wasn't here anymore, but Monokuma did say that the traitor here killed him... A member of Future Foundation...

I couldn't find anything, but still, a member of Future Foundation... Do I really have to suspect him? I wouldn't want to blame him for anything...

I sighed and left the city hall. As I was walking back, I noticed that the Future Foundation building's doors were broken down. I rushed to the building to check it out.

I went inside and on the first counter was a file. Inside, it had all of our names... And even says right here the people in Future Foundation... Me and Ren... Dammit, so someone already knows...?

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma came on the screen. "Attention everyone! The class trial is going to begin now! So if you may, please go to the class trial building!" He laughed, then got off.

Dammit, alright. I sighed and left to the class trial building.

Once I arrived we were all there. Nao looked much sadder than usual. Malachi was wearing a yellow sweater instead of his normal jacket.

Soon, Monokuma appeared. "Hello! Is everyone here?" He asked.

"Yes." Malachi said, "Let's get this started."

"Alright, let's go!" Monokuma said, laughing.

He unlocked the doors to the building and then disappeared. We walked inside, and then we entered the elevator as well.

When everybody was in the elevator, the doors closed, and the elevator started to move down.

It was silent as we descended.

This trial is to determine who killed Spencer... But I'm worried. If the motive really was the traitor, a member of Future Foundation... Then is the traitor really the killer...? I don't... I don't want to believe that. I can't...

But the killer is one of us...

Nao, Zoey, Ren and Malachi...

Waffle, Setsuko, Bahira, Yudai, Kisho, Eri, Emma, Amaya, Masa, Cassius and Spencer have all already died...

The killer isn't me. And if the traitor isn't me, but a member of Future Foundation, then...

I'm sorry, Ren... We may have escaped together, but you're the only suspect I can see...

I'll just have to find out myself... Without Layne or Azura to help me anymore...

Then, the elevator slowly came to a halt, and the doors opened up.

It's time...

But why couldn't the rescue have come sooner? I wouldn't be alone if it came already...

Whatever... I just have to move on.

You have to be serious, Atsuki.

No more messing around.

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