Chapter 5: My Final Attempt to End it All- Post Trial (Malachi)

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"What the heck?!" Monokuma yelled. "How did my execution fail?!"

Nao spoke up. "I heard... That a clearly false execution will never succeed... I'm sure you know that."

"What are you saying, Nao?" I asked.

"Atsuki's alive... At least, she should be... And she definitely wasn't the killer, alright?" Nao said, "Don't you understand that, Malachi? I think that Monokuma didn't give us enough time and didn't open enough areas for our investigations... It wasn't unfair, we found out who the Future Foundation was... But they aren't traitors to us. They are good. But we could have never found that out thanks to Monokuma limiting our sources."

"...Are you sure about that, Nao?" I asked.

"...I'm almost positive." Nao responded. "And because of that, I want a new investigation... And one final trial. One final trial to end this all... To end all the suffering and end all the pain..."

"And to put a stop to all these horrible killing games!" Nao yelled.

"If Nao's this sure... Then I'm with him too." I said.

"Yeah, me too!" Zoey said, pumping her fists up.

"I guess I can't argue, huh?" Ren chuckled. "To find the truth, then."

Monokuma stared at us blankly. "...Jeez... You guys are just as persistent as the others... But this sounds interesting enough! I'll give you another investigation, and unlock everything! How's that sound to you?" Monokuma said.

"That's good." I said.

"Alright then... Elevator on back up there and get your investigating done!" Monokuma said, laughed and disappeared.

"Alright then. Let's go." Ren said, and headed to the elevator.

As we approached the elevator, it came up and opened, and inside was Atsuki. We all walked into the elevator. Soon we started rising up again.

"What's going on?" Atsuki asked.

"New investigation, new trial. Nao's idea." Ren said.

"I know you're innocent, Atsuki. So I wanted a fairer investigation with everything open to us so we can determine things better." Nao said.

"Ah... Thank you, Nao." Atsuki responded.

"Let's solve it all. Why we're here, who the mastermind is... Everything." Nao said.

"Let's do it then." I responded.

After that, it was silent... But it wasn't sad... It was more of a determination.

We kept rising, slowly... And suddenly the elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened. We all stepped out, one by one.

It's time to end this, then.

Chapter 5
My Final Attempt to End it All

5/16 Students Remain

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