Chapter 4: The Masquerade's Final Act- Day 2 (Amaya)

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I woke up to Monokuma's announcement again and slowly sat up on my bed. I got out and ready. I looked at the desk in my room for a bit before walking out and going to the lobby.

Down in the lobby, Malachi, Masa, Atsuki and Spencer were already there.

"Hi, everyone." I said, smiling.

"Good morning, Amaya." Atsuki said.

"Morning, Amaya." Malachi said.

"Hey." Spencer spoke up, but still looked down, knitting.

"G-Good morning..." Masa said.

"Ah, hello, Masa. You seem better than earlier." I said.

"Y-Yeah, I, uh... J-Just thought about what y-you said..." Masa said, "I-I guess I should l-live on... F-For h-her sake..."

"So you gave Masa a somewhat similar talk, huh?" Malachi asked. "That's good. I'm glad you're feeling better, Masa."

"Th-Thank you..." Masa said.

Just then, Cassius came down the stairs.

"Good morning, Cassius." Atsuki said.

"Hello." Cassius responded.

Shortly following Cassius, Nao came downstairs.

"Oh? Hello, Nao..." Cassius said.

"Good morning..." Nao said.

"I wonder where Ren and Zoey are... Nao's usually the last person here." Malachi said.

"Y-You don't think...?" Masa started.

Just then, Ren and Zoey came down the stairs.

"Hi, everyone!" Zoey said.

"What took you so long, Ren?" Atsuki smirked. "Havin' some fun in the morning?" She asked.

"Hey, look, that was just a joke on Malachi-" Ren said.

"Anyway, everyone's here. So bye." Cassius said, and left.

"Cassius is really annoying, honestly." Spencer said.

"You could say that again." I said.

"Cassius is really annoying, honestly." Spencer repeated.

"You could say that again!" Zoey said.

"Cassius is-" Spencer started.

"I think that's enough times saying that..." Malachi said. "Anyways... I think we can continue our day normally now."

"Hey, why don't the rest of us do something together?" I asked.

"Wh-What would we do...?" Masa asked.

"Hmm... Oh, I know!" Zoey said, "There's an arcade, right? So let's go there and play some games together!"

"Like... A tournament?" Ren asked, smiling.

"Yeah! Wouldn't that be cool?" Zoey asked. "We could do like, a fighting game tournament together. We have an even amount of people if we don't include Cassius!"

"I don't mind." Spencer said.

"Yeah, me neither." Atsuki said.

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