Chapter 5: My Final Attempt to End it All- Class Trial- Part 2 (Atsuki)

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"Hold on! There are other options than just Ren and Atsuki!" Nao said.

"Nao's right, guys..." Zoey said.

"No, that's wrong! I'm sure of my conclusion. None of us would have a motive to kill another when we're so close to death, except for a member of Future Foundation, who couldn't let that happen!" Malachi stated.

"Malachi, just listen to us already!" Zoey yelled out.

"No! I'm not accepting another answer! Neither Zoey or Nao are in Future Foundation... So I still believe in you two! And I could never think Spencer would commit suicide... He finally seemed outgoing and happy with us! He gave me this sweater as a sign of friendship! He wouldn't just end it now!" Malachi yelled back.

"Well, if you think it's one of us, what's your solution to find out who it was?" Ren asked.

"I think I've found a divide between the traitors." Malachi said. "I believe one is a traitor against us... And one is a traitor against Monokuma."

"A traitor against Monokuma?" Zoey asked.

"It would explain what Monokuma meant by a traitor... And how he wanted us to find them. But would he betray the traitor against us and take them out? Well, maybe... But it seems like Monokuma was upset with a certian someone... And there's a way to find out who the traitor against Monokuma is." Malachi said.

"Are you talking about the broken Monokuma?" I asked.

Malachi nodded. "That's right... I believe the traitor who broke Monokuma is against him... And on our side."

"Then that would be..." I started.

"Me?" Ren said. "Well, I did break Monokuma. I have no shame admitting that..."

"Then it's settled. Ren is the traitor against Monokuma... And Atsuki must be against us." Malachi said.

"Hold on, why would I be against you guys?" I asked.

"You're a member of Future Foundation." Malachi said. "You put us all in this city, didn't you?"

"I-I didn't do anything! I swear!" I yelled out.

"Fine. But if Ren tried to destroy Monokuma, he's obviously on our side, and didn't want to continue this killing game anymore." Malachi said. "In which case... You must be the one who killed Spencer!"

"What? No! I didn't kill Spencer!" I yelled. "I'm a good guy, I swear! Monokuma is lying to you, why would you trust him?"

"Well Monokuma is right... You definitely put us in this city. Monokuma said Future Foundation put us in this city... And you know so much about us all already. Like how you knew about Waffle's fake skin, for example, and how you magically know about the secret files on all of us in the police department... Or maybe you just knew about us all along... Because you're the mastermind who put us in this game!" Malachi said.

"What?" I asked.

"You said it yourself... If the traitor is the one who put us in this killing game, they must be the mastermind. And you clearly put us in this city." Malachi said.

"But I'm not the one who made this a killing game! You've got this all wrong!" I yelled.

"Fine then... Let's talk about this murder then." Malachi said, "You're the most likely suspect. If you're the mastermind as it seems to be, you could have easily killed Spencer, especially since you came out of the office room of the police department."

"What if Ren killed Spencer? What if he thought he was the mastermind?" I asked.

"It can't be Renny, though! I was with him all day today!" Zoey said.

"It's true. We know that the crime happened today after we woke up and before we found the body about two hours later, because we all saw him in the lobby that morning." Ren said.

"So that excludes the killer from being Ren or Zoey." Malachi said. "Not to mention, the murder must have happened while you were in the police department! Given you were in the office room with no way to leave the building without seeing the body... You must be the murderer. If you weren't, you would have seen the body and come and told us. So it has to be you."

"Wh-What about the lemonade can? It wasn't there when I entered-" I started.

"Perhaps you just brought it there." Ren said. "If you killed him, it makes sense."

"Ren..." I said.

"Well then, I think we've reached the conclusion. Atsuki, you're the traitor, and the one who killed Spencer." Malachi said.

"Hold on!" Nao yelled out. "Can't you just listen to me?"

"What is it, Nao?" Malachi asked.

"I did it. I killed Spencer." Nao said. "That's the truth, so execute me."

"...Nao. Come on, you don't have to feel bad." Malachi said.

"I'm not-" Nao started.

"It's alright." Malachi said. "Once we finish this trial, we'll be able to leave soon. And then we can be happy, Nao. You don't have to be sad we're losing someone else."

"No, that's not..." Nao said.

Monokuma cut him off. "Alright everyone! It is time to vote on who you believe is the blackened! You all have a screen infront of you to make your choice, so go ahead and vote!" Monokuma laughed.

After everyone voted, our screen showed a gambling machine titled "Monokuma Vote." The wheels inside it spun until all three landed on... Me? The machine shook as guilty flashed on the bottom of the machine and money came out of it. The screen turned off and went away...

"Aw, man! Looks like you guys got it right! Atsuki Kinboshi, the Ultimate Vocalist, killed Spencer Valraz, the Ultimate Knitter, and she's the traitor of this killing game, a member of Future Foundation!" Monokuma laughed.

"What?" Nao said, looking blankly at Monokuma.

"Only three of you voted... But I suppose that's okay! You still got majority correct!" Monokuma said, and laughed.

"W-Wait a second! I'm not the killer though!" I yelled. "I didn't kill anyone! I never did!"

"Enough blabber! It's time for the execution!" Monokuma yelled and laughed.

"W-Wait, no!" I yelled, starting to cry. "I didn't do anything! Please!"

"Let's give it everything we've got!" Monokuma yelled, laughing more.

"Th-This... Isn't right..." I said.

"It's punishment time!" Monokuma yelled, then pulled out a mallet, did a flip, and hit a big red button next to his chair.

After that, I heard the chain. And then I felt it grab me around my neck, and it started pulling me back.

I remember... This is exactly what happened to Layne... Right before we found the mastermind... She was put into an execution falsely, but she was saved by Azura...

Except now... I don't have Azura.

I have no one. I'm all alone here.

I'm going to die.

And I never even got to see or hear Layne or Azura again...

Crying, I closed my eyes.

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