- But I thought your parents would know your views on the subject.

- I thought so too, but apparently they thought I would change my mind the minute I met my mate.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

- It'll be fine. We can talk about later tonight if you want.

- No, that's ok.

- I mean it Ariel, you can talk to me.

- I know, but it'll be fine. I'll have to go shopping for a new cell phone though.

Sebastian knew she was trying to change the subject. He came closer, gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

- Send me a text when you buy it, OK?

- Sure.

Ariel gave him a kiss before rushing to class, not wanting to be late. 


During lunch, Ariel went shopping for a brand new cell phone with Alonso. He was very enthusiastic about it but had very little attention spam, which was quite funny. For example, while passing a clothing store, he just entered totally distracted by the cool outfits and forgot to say anything. Five minutes later, Ariel found him looking through some jeans. 

- Hey, Alonso, what are you doing here?

- Oh Ariel, look, aren't these jeans to die for?

- They are cool, but would it kill you to let me know you were entering the store? I thought I lost you.

- Oh sorry 'mom'. Anyway, you should have called me.

- Alonso, I don't have a cell phone anymore, remember? That's why we came here!

- Oh right! Sorry.

Ariel laughed. The rest of the time, she made sure to keep an eye on her friend. Finally, they found a good smart phone for Ariel and they went to the food court for a well deserved lunch.

- So, how are things going with Sebastian?

- Good.

- Just good?

- Well, they're great, but I had a fight with my mother last night, and I'm still...

- Mad? Melancholic? 

- Yeah.

- How bad was it?

- Well, I kind ended up with a broke phone at end of it, so...

- So pretty bad.

- Yeah.

- Aww. I'm sorry. Parents can be quite annoying sometimes.

- No kidding.

- What happened?

Ariel shrugged looking to her plate. What should she say? She couldn't talk about mates and she didn't want to lie to him. 

- It's just that my mom saw a picture of me and Seb and...

- And? She doesn't approve?

- She wants to know when we're getting married.

Alonso almost chocked with his soda upon hearing that.

- What? But you're so young!

- Thank you! Exactly what I said!

- Why does she want you to get married? Wait, are you pregnant?

Now it was Ariel's turn to choke. 

- What?! No! Why would you think that?

- Well, it would explain why she wanted you to get married...

- No, it's not that. She's just... Well, I don't know, weird I guess.

Alonso took her hand and patted it softly.

- C'mon Ace, let's find you a hot pair of jeans. It'll make you feel better.

- Shopping therapy, huh? Why not. 

She smiled, happy to have a good friend on her side.

When they returned to the University, they stopped at the cafeteria to buy coffee before their next class and that's when she saw him. Standing tall, arms crossed and staring right at her was Alpha Rafael. She nodded politely and kept walking. However, seconds later she heard her name. He hadn't raised his voice so Alonso hadn't heard it, but she had. She sighed and told her friend she had forgotten something and that she needed to return to the cafeteria. Alpha Rafael had picked a table and asked her to seat with him.

- Sir, is there something wrong?

- Yes, Sebastian hasn't been returning my calls.

"Not surprising", she thought.

- Oh.

- So, why is that Ariel?

- I assume he hasn't changed his mind about not wanting to work for you.

- Do you know why?

- Yes, and so do you. Can I leave now?

- No.

- What else do you need.

- I need him back.

Ariel shrugged. What was she supposed to do? Besides, she agreed with Seb, he didn't have to go back.

- Ariel, he is my nephew and my son will need him when he takes control of my pack. I need him back.

- Why are you telling me this?

- Because you are going to bring him back to me.

- No.

- Yes you will or...

- Or what?

- Or you will be expelled from my pack. Without my protection, how long do you think you will remain alive?

- Are you planning to kill me?

The Alpha laughed. It was eerie and Ariel felt unprepared for the fear inside her.

- Did you really think there weren't people out there who wished you dead? You brought down an alpha and killed another important leader. There are many who would want to kill you in return. So far I've kept you safe, but I don't have to keep doing it.

- How long do I have?

- One month.

- Five weeks.

- Why?

- I can't work magic.

- You don't think he'll come back to keep you alive?

- He would, but I want time with him before he starts hating me for asking so much.

Alpha Rafael smiled.

- Fair enough.

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