Chapter 17

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Author's Note: next chapters will probably take longer to be uploaded, but I'll try to get it ready as quickly as possible. Feedback is always appreciated, so please comment and/or vote.

Fighting her instincts to protect her freedom - chapter 17

Ariel sensed the threat, shifted quickly, went into defense mode and fought back. The wolves were scary but she did as she was told. She got her claws out and did as much damage as she could. She was trained as a fighter, but she knew her best asset was her speed. So she dodged the attacks trying to buy enough time. As predicted, someone entered her apartment, but it wasn't the assigned guard, it was Sebastian. He shifted into his black wolf and with his bare teeth dragged the wolf that was on top of Ariel. They fought well, but she knew they weren't going to win. Soon, black spots clouded her view and she fell unconscious.


When she woke up, she was on the floor of a prison cell. There were walls on three sides and the fourth was a dark glass panel and you couldn't see through it. "There are no doors so that must be it", she thought.

However, as she looked around she saw something that wasn't part of the plan: she wasn't alone, Sebastian was lying next to her, with his left hand in hers.

When he saw she was awake, he moved a little and he talked to her in whispers, for her ears only.

- I can't believe they did this.

- What?

- They wanted you, the white wolf. They didn't want to kill you, they wanted to kidnap you. The Alpha must have known, it had to be part of his plan! I didn't know, Ariel, I really didn't. I thought they would capture the wolves, the snipers and somehow get the information from them. The whole war thing is not my speciality, Alpha Rafael said they knew how to make them talk and I was foolish enough to trust him, to believe him. I should have known there was another plan. Just capturing them and forcing them to talk was a weak plan. I should have known.

He had tears in his eyes and looked down, filled with guilt and shame. Ariel gave him a pat on his back, not sure how to say what she needed to tell him. Then she looked at him and realized that she still didn't understand why he was next to her. He wasn't supposed to come to her apartment.

- Why did you come? What happened to my guards?

- Killed. I rented an apartment near yours without anybody knowing. When our conversation was cut short, I went to your place and that's when I saw their bodies. I'm not the greatest fighter but I knew there was no time.

Ariel shuddered. People had died protecting her. She didn't want to think about that because the idea of more dead people was devastating. Instead, she focused on Sebastian. At least she could take away his guilt. He shouldn't blame himself anyway, so she told him something he didn't know.

- Seb, I knew they would take me. They told me. I thought you knew.

He looked at her surprised. 

- You knew? And you let them?

- Seb, I thought... they said...

- What did they say?

- They put this tracking device under my skin so they could find the location and attack them. They said they would come for me and set me free. They said it was the only way they would be able to find the location of this place...

Sebastian was angry, beyond angry. Ariel held his hand tight, trying to get him to calm down, she didn't want him shifting inside the prison cell. What would they do if he shifted? Would they see that as a threat? Would they kill him? She didn't want to find out. For now, they had to follow their rules. Sebastian was still shaking, and soon started talking, ranting.

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