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Thats the only way to explain it
They don't see you
They don't see a person
They just see the punching bag to yell at
And maybe you are stressed
And maybe you need to take it out
But step inside my head for just one instance
And see that maybe I shouldn't be the punching bag
I walk day after day doing the same thing
The only change is
That everyday i become more and more faded
Until one day you won't see me
Until the day you won't watch me walk down these halls
Until I'm completely gone
And invisible
Unnoticed even
I'm jumping
And screaming
For attention
For someone to save me
For something that will never be mine
But you don't see me
You see the outer shell that I put on
But you'll never see the jumps
And you'll never hear the screams
Because as much as I want help
I'm terrified of it
So I'll just sit
And fade
Until you no longer notice what once was

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