Still Waiting

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Sana's POV

I always come to the hospital just to see my girlfriend. My friends told me to get some rest and said that they'll take care of Tzuyu instead of me but I always refuse and said I'm not tired.

It have been two weeks already and Tzuyu haven't wake up yet but I will wait. Even though she haven't wake up yet I'm still waiting and I'll wait till she open her eyes again.

I came to the hospital alone today. Mina said she'll come too but I told her to just stay home and I'll go alone. She didn't agree right away though but knowing how stubborn I am she just let me do whatever I want. I'm already at the hospital and since tomorrow is Saturday I have no class so I decided to stay at the hospital with Tzuyu.

I open the door and find a figure still laying on the bed sleeping soundly as always. She still looks so beautiful even when she's sleeping. No matter what she does she'll always be beautiful.

"Tzuyu-ya when are you going to wake up? Look what I made. Yeah it's your favorite food". I held up the food that I made from home in front of her. "Come on wake up and eat this Tzuyu-ya I made it especially for you". I said with tears already forming in my eyes.

"Yahh come on open your eyes and come eat this or I'll eat it all and not keep any for you".

"How long are you planing to sleep like that Tzuyu-ya? I really miss you. I miss your hugs and your kisses. I miss everything about you". I touch her face and caress it gently.

I held her hand tightly looking at her sleeping on the bed peacefully but something caught my attention. It was the monitor. I started panicking because her heart rate was suddenly dropping.

I ran out of the room calling for the doctor. The doctor ran inside with two nurses following behind. The nurse pulled me away and told me to wait outside.

I cried my heart out in front of Tzuyu's room. Please save her don't let her go. Tzuyu-ya you can't leave me. I can't live without you. Please don't leave me I'm begging you Tzuyu-ya. I kept crying and crying and someone hugged me. I look up only to see the others looking at me worriedly. It was Mina who hugged me.

Mina helped me up to sit on the chair and patted my back gently and she never leaves my side but nothing works because I can't stop crying knowing that Tzuyu will leave me no I can't let that happen I can't. I continue to cry and suddenly the door flew open revealing the doctor and I quickly ran towards him and held his hand.

"Doctor how is she? Is she alright? Can I go in and see her?" He sigh shaking his head and look at his watch. What came out of his mouth next made me stopped from doing anything.

"Time of death 9:14pm". I fell onto the floor with my mind gone blank and my mouth slightly open. Tears were falling from my eyes again.

"I tried everything I could but I'm sorry". He bowed and walk away with two nurses following behind.

I stood up and walk inside slowly. She was laying on the bed lifelessly. I walk to the side of her bed and saw she wasn't breathing anymore. I felt my world stopped and I suddenly find it hard to breath. I kneeled down beside her bed and held her hand. She was pale and her hand was cold.

"Tzuyu-ya why did you leave me here all alone?" I asked in a low tone as I touch her cheek.

"You promised me that you'll never leave me remember? Are you breaking your promise now? We haven't even watch the sunset yet Tzuyu-ya. You promise me that we'll watch it together but why are you breaking your promise? You can't just do that Tzuyu-ya" I cried harder and laid my head on the bed. "You can't. You can't do that. How am I suppose to go on with mu life when you're not with me?"

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