Dark Black Magic- chapter 42- jobs and roles

Start from the beginning

"Bussiness. I spend much time in the vampire city."

"Thank you for dropping by, it's nice to see a familiar face."

"When I heard the vampires had captured you I came here straight away. Are they treating you alright?"

"So far so good."

"I want you to know that you can call me for anything."

I smiled and thanked him politely before the servants ushered him out the room explaining to him that I needed rest. Giacomo said he would be back to visit me again. As he left I had this sick feeling in my gut that Giacomo had come here about the promise I had made him. While we were in Italy I said that after Aidan and I had finished I would seek Giacomo out and the two of us would marry. We were both immortals and it made sense for us to marry so we would not be alone. But I had always imagined marrying him after Aidan died- not before. But circumstances had changed. Giacomo was hell of a lot more weathlier than Aidan- he was also more stable and responsible. I had to think of Dahlia now and not myself. Aidan did attack me- but I guess it was a crime of passion, he just found out that I was having fun behind his back. God I felt like such a hypocrite. One minute I'm telling Aidan I can't be with him because I want to have more fun and the next I'm thinking about settling down with Giacomo.

Rubbing my temples I got into bed. I need to think about this.

Skyler POV

The next day at work I had to do a lot of explaining. The whole town had woken up to the aftermath of a werewolf rampage but the newspapers blamed it on a motorcylce gang. Rayne had kicked Aidan out of town and warned him not to set foot in the town. A small part of me felt sorry for Aidan but a huge part was angry at him for hurting Stephanie. Even when emotions are running high violence is not an excuse. Rayne felt much the same way. He would have probably killed him if it hadn't been for that horrible monster thing. Luc and Mia had invited us to stay at the vampire castle and visit Stephanie in a few days time. They had even extended the invitation to Greg, Bea and Kai. Bea and Kai were really excited but Greg was really flat about the whole thing. He wanted to see Stephanie he just didn't want to see her in a vampire castle. Anything demonic, vampire or werewolf Greg did not like. Even so I don't think that would stop Greg from seeing Stephanie. He had already set up a baby fund donation pot so we could buy Stephanie and her baby a gift. We were worried about Stephanie but the vampires promised to take good care of her and if they didn't they would have to face Rayne.

After work I went back to my pokey little apartment. Rayne had swept up the glass from the sidewalk and called somebody to replace the window- another bill I didn't need. Stepping through the front door I yelled, "I'm home."

There was no reply.

Going into the kitchen I saw a note scribbled on the table,

'Meet me at the Wendell's Café.'

Was he taking me out to dinner? I couldn't help but smile to myself. I quickly changed into something more smart and ran out the door. The café in question was a French style bistro on the main street that turned into a wine bar at night. When I entered the bar it was filling up. Couples in dimly lit alcoves stare at each other while groups of friends chatted round the bar. Peering through the crowd I couldn't see Rayne. I noticed a group of guys stood at the far side of the bar staring at a large group of women on the other side of the bar. The men seemed angry and disappointed, they look up then look down staring at their twenty dollar glass of red. A ripple of girlish laughter radiated from the group.

"We can't compete with frickin' cocktail dude." One guy spat between gritted teeth.

Curiously I approached the bar and leaned over.

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