Sebastian spent most of his day at the University. He had been accepted as a teaching assistant, so he had lots to do. Therefore, they made a point of seeing each other at lunch, and meeting at the golf club in the evenings to run together. After that, he usually stayed at her place, which she loved. Is there anything more beautiful than waking up wrapped by your lover's arms? Ariel couldn't think of a single thing. She loved the way the sun made his hair shine and feeling his body next to hers.


Finally the day of the party arrived. It was being hold at the Golf Club because the pack house had become too small for it now that the two packs of Lima had merged.

The invitation said it was going to be a formal party so Patricia and Ariel had been shopping for the "perfect dress". Ariel had chosen a red dress and she was still perfecting her make-up when Sebastian arrived to pick her up. She quickly finished and opened the door.

- Wow woman! Maybe we should just stay here and have our own party.

Ariel laughed shaking her head.

- C'mon! I don't want to be late.

Sebastian took her hand and escorted her to the club. Since she live right in front of the venue for the party, they didn't worry about parking, which was good because a hundred cars were already around the place.

They showed their IDs and were allowed in. There was a hallway leading to the ballroom and in each side there were great looking "amuse-bouches". Sebastian just had to sample them all, of course. When they arrived, they saw there were a lot of round tables for the guests. They found Patricia and sat with her, her brother and her parents. There was music and some people were already dancing.

Patricia's brother, who was called Mario, was a good friend of Sebastian, so the two guys chatted for a while. Ariel talked to her friend and her parents. She felt at ease in their company and the conversation flowed without problems. The food was great too, which was an added bonus, so she was really happy they had come. She looked around for Tom or Adriana, but she didn't see any of them, but since it was still early, she figured she would see them later.

They were eating when Patricia suddenly stood up and starting looking for somebody. After a minute, a man came to their table and politely introduced himself.

- Hello, my name is Diego, may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?

- Hi Diego, my name is Patricia, and of course.

Patricia had the biggest smile on her face and that's when Ariel understood. She had found her mate! Patricia's parents had also deduced this, and squealed the minute their daughter left the table. They started talking about what a handsome man Diego was and how much they wanted to get to know him better, and of course meeting his parents!

Ariel took Sebastian's hand and led him to the dance floor. Not too close to Patricia and Diego in order to give them some privacy. She wanted to have fun and the music was great. They danced either laughing or staring into each other's eyes. Sebastian kept one of his hands on her waist and made her feel the wonderful tingles she loved so much. 

After a while, Ariel decided she didn't want to get tired too early in the evening and Sebastian saw that they were serving food, so they came back to their table to eat diner.

Diego and Patricia danced for an hour before coming back. Diego was invited to seat with them, which he did, and then was bombarded by a hundred questions by Patricia's father. Fortunately, he seemed to be a good guy, so the questions stopped after the first course was over.

When they were serving desserts, the music ceased and lights were on a man in the middle of the dance floor. Alpha Rafael asked for everybody's attention and started his speech. Sebastian didn't listen to a single word, instead he started checking his twitter account. Ariel tried to pay attention, but he was recalling very unpleasant memories, so she also started playing with her smart phone. Finally, the speech was over and applause and cheers drowned the room. 

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