Chapter 9: Waiting

Start from the beginning

She looked up at him. "What do you mean I'm still on that? Of course I am. It wasn't just a momentary thing, Dan. I've always wanted to be a mother and I'm almost 27 and I thought by now I would be one. I've been doing all this research."

"Oh no," he said, straightening up.

"I think that the best way to do this is the Marley way," she said.

"You're gonna lose your card to John, too?" Dan joked.

She gave him a look. "The first Marley way," she corrected herself. "I mean, why not, right? I can get inseminated. I can do it. I just need a sperm donor."

"Well, don't even look at me," said Dan. "Harmony already had one boyfriend be used as a personal sperm bank. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like repeating that history. Besides... I mean, doesn't this seem hasty? Don't you wanna take more time to think it through?"

"Dan, everyone around me is taking these huge steps towards the rest of their lives," she reminded him. "Whether accidental or not, it's happening. And I still feel like I'm frozen in time. I'm exactly where I was four years ago."

"No," he said, "because four years ago you were a photographer and didn't have a number one song."

"Ok, career wise, I'm meeting my goals," she said. "But everything else is static."

"I wish Harmony was here to talk you out of it," Dan said. "'Cause Lord knows I won't be able to."

"And that's why I came by when I knew she'd be at McKinley," Amity smiled. "So... How do I ask my friends for the sperm?"

"Wait, you're not just gonna go to a bank?" asked Dan.

"I don't want it to be that random," she shook her head. "I want to have a small pool of options from my friends and then have the sample chosen at random. All I need is enough of the guys to agree so that I won't know or be able to narrow it down."

"Until your kid starts to look just like Rory Flanagan," Dan laughed.

"Well, let's hope it's not that easy to tell," Amity smiled.

"I have a crazy but not so crazy idea," said Dan, taking a deep breath before he planted his thoughts in her. "Why don't you ask Christopher?"


"Thank you so much again for agreeing to come," Finn told Harmony as they walked together to the auditorium

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"Thank you so much again for agreeing to come," Finn told Harmony as they walked together to the auditorium. "The kids have been working really hard on this musical the last couple of weeks. They have their lines memorized and every scene is blocked but... The musical numbers aren't quite there. It's like when they start singing they forget to keep acting."

"That's common with musical theatre beginners," she told him, grinning from ear to ear at the honor of being asked to come down for the role of vocal coach. Rachel typically took this on. Sometimes Mercedes.

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