[32] A Tale as Old as Time

Start from the beginning

Liam sighed, looking to his alpha. "How desperate are we?"



"They called him Der Soldat. That's German for "the soldier". I'm pretty sure he fought in World War II." Theo said as he stared at the empty glass case in front of him as he slowly turned to stare at the three bodies in front of him.

"Meaning he was a Nazi, thanks on the history lesson. Now tell us how you're supposed to help us find Savannah." Stiles snapped, getting more and more edgy with each passing second that went by.

Theo chuckled, staring at Stiles. "I don't remember this invitation extending to one more."

"Yeah well I don't remember you being such a dick in the fourth grade but here we are. If you know where Savannah is, I'm coming too. Don't think you're leaving me behind for a second." Stiles sassed while Scott had to break the two up. This was no time for arguing. They needed to find Savannah and help her before things got worse.

Theo sighed, glancing back at the empty glass case behind him before turning his attention back to the three in front of him. "He wasn't only a Nazi, he was also an alpha werewolf. The Dread Doctors were using him to prolong their lives. They've been doing it for decades, actually, probably longer."

"How old are these guys?" Liam questioned.

"Who knows. But wherever they go, he goes, too." Theo said.

"How do we find them?" Liam questioned.

"Keeping him alive requires a pretty unique set of conditions. There's gotta be a power source and it has to be underground..-" Theo began explaining until Scott finished his sentence.

"..-And on a telluric current." Scott said, taking the map out of his pocket, slowly handing it to Theo.

Theo had a small smirk forming on his face as he looked at the three of them, simply stating, "Looks like we're going on a hike."


Savannah's point of view:

I gasped, slowly opening my eyes as I quickly shut them once more. I took a few deep breaths, feeling a cool breeze hit my entire body as I slowly reopened my eyes as to not strain them from the light. I gasped, taking slow breaths as I felt my entire body regaining control. I groaned, trying to remember the last thing that happened. It was faint, all I remembered was being at the school, waiting for our plan to be executed as I told Stiles I love him, kissed him.

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