[12] Trigger Warning

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"What if we need some kind of trigger? I mean wasn't Malia driving when she remembered the crash?" Scott suggested while him, Stiles, Kira, and Savannah walked through the hallways at school. 

"Yeah, but how are we supposed to trigger a memory that we don't remember?" Stiles asked. 

"Maybe it's like a delayed time thing? You have to wait a couple of hours to see what happens after reading? I mean, Malia didn't get her weird violent hallucination right after reading the book? It happened hours later." Savannah pointed out, agreeing with Scott's theory. 

Before anyone could say anything else, the electricity started flickering, seeming like something was messing with it. The four of them came to a stop, slowly turning around to look at Kira with a confused look. 

Kira shook her head. "That wasn't me. I swear." 

"We need to keep an eye on each other today." Scott pointed out. 

"Yes, and keep an eye out for eight other potentially homicidal Chimeras." Stiles half joked. But even with the sarcasm in his voice, he was being completely serious. 

"And for the Dread Doctors." Savannah added to the conversation while everyone agreed. Scott put his arm around Kira, the two of them walking off to leave the former couple behind. 

"I'm starting to see the appeal of a third eye!" Stiles said, sarcasm dripping with every word while he turned to Savannah. Savannah and Stiles exchanged looks to which she shrugged her shoulder, beginning to walk down the hall. "Woah, where you going?" He questioned. 

She gave him a confused look. "Ummm..class?" 

"Scott said we need to stick together." Stiles reminded her.

"Yeah, I have next class with Theo and Scott anyways. Then after I have bio with almost everyone then Theo and I are gonna study in the library. If I have some violent hallucination, he'll be there to help." Savannah said, still not getting the point of this conversation. 

Stiles groaned, hating the fact that Theo had more classes with Savannah than him. The more alone time he had with her meant the more he could weave his way into Savannah's life, pushing Stiles out of it simultaneously. I mean, so far Theo's been winning her over. He's helped save Lydia's life, he's volunteered to read the psycho book with them and then he even helped with Tracy and everything crazy in town despite not having to. 

Theo's done everything right so far, impressing everyone and slowly gaining their trust. 

But Stiles still didn't buy it. He didn't buy Theo's story and he didn't want him anywhere near Savannah. 

"Look, if this is about Theo and the whole date again..-" Savannah started saying, snapping Stiles from his thoughts. 

"..-It's not." Stiles said, earning a knowing look from her. "Fine, it is. But I still don't trust the guy. There's just something about Theo that I don't like..and I don't think you should be getting close to him or trusting him blindly." 

Savannah rolled her eyes. "First of all, I don't think with my vagina like most guys think with their penis so you don't need to worry about that. I'm not trusting him blindly, I'm just giving him a chance to earn it. Second of all, we didn't even go on the date so you can stop getting your panties in a bunch." 

"You didn't? That's good, I mean..that's good that you're not rushing into things." Stiles asked, his mood perking up a bit. Savannah rolled her eyes, mumbling unbelievable before leaving him there in the hallway. Stiles quickly ran over to her, grabbing her arm to make her turn around at him. "Hey, look..I'm sorry, okay? If you like Theo, ugh I just threw up in my mouth at the thought, then I want you to be happy.. But I just..-I don't want to lose you again." 

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