[6] What Are You?

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❝ And I'm meaner than my demons, I'm bigger than these bones..
And all the kids cried out, "Please stop you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?❞

"Deaton, hey, how the hell was she able to get through the mountain ash?" Stiles asked, panic in his voice. Savannah stroked his cheek, trying to remind him to stay calm but she wanted to know too. I thought no supernatural creature could cross the mountain ash? 

"I don't know...It's a barrier no supernatural creature should be able to cross..." Deaton said. 

"Scott did it." Stiles said, making Savannah look towards Scott. 

"Once but it almost killed me." Scott answered. 

"We should've killed her." Malia growled, ensuring panic in her voice. 

"Meanwhile, she's probably on her way to kill someone else.." Savannah said, her phone going off as she looked at it, eyes going wide. Stiles and Scott asked what was wrong, why she looked scared. "That was Lydia.. She says her and Kira figured out who Tracy's targeting..Someone who tried helping her, like her dad and therapist.." 

"Who was it?" 

"Lydia's mom...they're on their way to the station to stop Tracy.." Savannah said, panic in her voice as she found it difficult to breathe all of a sudden. "She's going to kill Lydia's mom, probaly Lydia and Kira.." Savannah panicked, stuffing her phone back into her pocket as she quickly sent Lydia a text to let her know she was on her way. 

Savannah stood up, taking a deep breath as Stiles yelled for her. 

"Savannah,  no. Savannah, wait for us." Stiles tried saying but she shook her head. 

"there's no time..If I don't catch up to her, she'll kill Lydia's mom and probably a lot more people if I don't stop her, she might even kill Lydia and Kira.." Savannah said, a heavy burden placed upon her shoulders as she glanced towards Malia. "Guess you were half right..." She said as she quickly looked away, beginning to run towards the door.

"She's not a werewolf." Stiles reminded her.

"But she has a scent and I can follow it to the station. I can catch up with her before she hurts anyone else..." Savannah said as she glanced towards Scott who looked over at her. 

"Save her.."

he said, Savannah nodding her head as she ran out the door and after Tracy. 


 Savannah screamed as she finally made it to the station just in time to see Tracy swinging her tail into Lydia's side. Lydia gasped, holding her side as blood started oozing out of the wound and sending her flying to the floor. 

Savannah quickly ran over to Lydia, making sure she was okay. "Lydia? You're gonna be okay, you hear me? You're gonna be okay..-" Savannah gasped as she quickly took off her jacket and pressed it to Lydia's wound so she wouldn't bleed so much. "You're okay, you're gonna be just fine. You hear me? You're gonna be o..-" Savannah tried calming Lydia down as suddenly she felt something. 

She felt her eyes shifting, her fangs slowly piercing her gums as she inhaled the smell of Lydia's blood. Savannah gasped, breathing in deep the smell of Lydia's blood as she stared down at her hands which had some of Lydia's blood of them. 

"Savananh, you're okay..I'm okay.." Lydia kept insisting she was fine while Savannah looked over towards Kira. Kira jumped onto one of the desks, swinging her sword as something was suddenly happening to her. This orange auora appeared around her, protecting her like some sort of fox armor. Kira yelled, kicking Tracy before jumped and cutting her tale clean off. Tracy growled, kicking Kira before running after Ms. Martin. 

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