[20] Lies of Omission

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"You okay? I know things got a little hectic after the dance and you probably miss Kira like hell but..she'll be back? Everything's gonna be okay in the end if it's not okay then it's not the end.." Savannah asked Scott, handing him an inhaler she was keeping in her purse for him. 

Right now they were at the animal clinic, Theo and Savannah meeting Scott there to talk about things.  When Savannah arrived, she noticed Scott's trouble breathing. His asthma came back and it's been getting worse. Frankly, she was worried about him. After the dance, things took a turn for the worse. All Savannah remembers is telling Theo she was going to go to the bathroom before blacking out. Next thing she knew was she was covered in blood in the woods with two dead bodies next to her. She called Theo for help, coming to get her and promising things would be okay..

While everyone was looking for her and trying to calm things down, apparently Kira was arrested for murder. Her father took the fall for her and things seemed to be okay for the moment..At least until she told Scott she was leaving with her parents. She didn't know how to control her kitsune powers and she needed to leave to figure it out. Scott was of course heart broken but he supported her choices. 

And Savannah knows how heartbroken he must be after that. 

"Y-yeah..We-..I'm fine." Scott breathed slowly before looking towards Theo with an apologetic look on his face. "I know something's coming..a-and all I can think about is how good am I going to be if I can't even breathe?" Scott said, leaning against the table while Savannah rubbed circles in his back. 

"You sound like you're trying to apologize?" Theo questioned, looking at Scott confused. 

Scott nodded his head. "You came back looking for an Alpha..I guess I'm sorry that you found me." 

"I'm not sorry." Theo said. 

Scott looked at Theo confused, wondering how the hell Theo could possibly want to be a part of the pack still despite everything going on. "You still wanna be part of the pack?" Scott asked. 

"Scott, I'm with you..For better or worse." Theo said. 

"So am I..the others too. Liam's just upset but things will cool down and that doesn't change the fact that we're all a pack..We're in this together." Savannah said, offering Scott a small smile while hugging his shoulders to keep him calm. 

Scott appreciated this, nodding his head and thanking her before turning his attention to Theo. "I appreciate the vote of confidence but trust me..things are going to be worse." Scott stated. 

Theo just smirked, nodding his head slowly. "I'm counting on it." 


After leaving the clinic, Scott and Theo headed to the school while Savannah went to meet up with Stiles and Lydia. Right now they were cowering the woods in a failed attempt to find the nemeton. 

"This is hopeless..We've been here like three times already." Savannah sighed, grabbing the chalk from Stiles hands to mark another white X on the tree. Stiles turned to see the other two white Xs on the tree, cursing before complaining about how the nemeton didn't want to be found. 

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Maybe it knows we're late for class because we've been here already. Can we talk to Parrish now?" Lydia complained, Savannah nodding her head in agreement. 

"Hang on. If the Nemeton is covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them? You're the banshee, you find the bodies." Stiles questioned Lydia. 

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