Then there is the fact that Claire betrayed us. I shared some of my deepest fears with her, I opened my heart to her, and she just crushed it. I don't understand how she could do that. Does love make you turn on your friends of was she already insane to begin with? How blinded can a person get with love? I don't understand any of it. 

Finally, there's the fact that you are the only person who has trusted me in life and death circumstances. You had trust in me when I didn't have any. You had faith in my abilities even when I thought I wouldn't be able to do what was asked of me. I have learned to trust my inner strength because you taught me. So for that I want to thank you.

Yours truly,


Seb looked touched by the letter and smiled to her.

- OK then. So, we are dating now?

- Yes, but we are going to take it slow, like really slow.

- I can do that.


When they boarded, they sat at their seats and Sebastian stared at Ariel.

- Seriously? Miranda even gave you my seat numbers?

- Yeah.

- She didn't know them.

Ariel shrugged.

- She got into your e-mail and got them from the confirmation of your check-in.

- I forgot she's a hacker too...

- It probably runs in the family, huh? So how come we're traveling in 1st class?

- Well I don't know about you, but I'm a frequent flyer and with enough miles...

- So I paid top money and you didn't?!

- I guess that our date is getting more and more expensive by the minute, huh?

- Yeah, no kidding. So, Miranda didn't know how long you were staying in Europe...

- I got an internship for three months, then I should to get back to Peru. During those months I'll be asking for some information for universities, masters, all that stuff. I asked you to come here because I wanted to know if I should be moving as far away from you as possible, or not...

- So if we had started the rejecting process...

- I would have found a way to stay in Europe. Enroll in a university, get a job, something.

- And now?

Sebastian shrugged.

- I don't know. I'm still mad at Alpha Rafael, but if we are going to be dating, I think we should be making that decision together. If you want to come back, I will come back too. 

- You would change your plans just like that?

- Why not? We are young, and I know you want to travel, so I could wait for you to finish the university and then apply for a doctoral program.

Ariel looked at him and nodded.

- Thanks.

- It's OK. I like Lima, it's not like it'll be a torture to return.


The flight was long and they slept most of the way until they landed in Amsterdam and changed planes till Paris. At the Charles de Gaulle airport, they took a cab to the city.

- So, where are we staying?

- We haven't even gone on our first date and you are already moving in with me?

- Yes.

Sebastian laughed shaking his head but Ariel continued.

- Oh, please, I'll take the couch, don't get any ideas. And I'll look for my own place once we get there, I just didn't have enough time to make all the arrangements.

- Relax. My parents have a friend from high school who lives here. He went to work as doctor without frontiers so he left his loft empty and let me stay there. And there are two bedrooms, so don't worry.

- Cool! 

- Yeah, specially because it's in Saint Germain des Prés. So we can just walk to the café for our date.

- Wow. He must be rich.

- Yeah, and he has had that loft for a decade. You have no idea how much it has increased in value over the years.

They got to their cab and Sebastian gave the directions in perfect French. Ariel smiled, she spoke the language too, so neither would have communication difficulties while they stayed in France.


When they arrived, Ariel was blown away. It wasn't big, but it was beautifully decorated.

- You can choose your bedroom, but we have to share the bathroom.

- Really? You don't mind? Don't you want to pick your bedroom?

Sebastian laughed.

- Nah, I don't care where I sleep. As long as I there is a roof on top of me and I'm not freezing cold, I'm good. Anyway, mind if I get a shower first?

- No, that's OK. I'll check out the place and unpack a little while you do that.

She went to see the bedrooms. They both had windows to the boulevard but one was in the corner and so had also the view of the other street. She chose that one. It wasn't as big, but it had the best view.


Sebastian´s internship started the very next day, so they agreed to have their date when he returned. Ariel woke up to have breakfast with him. He was wearing a suit, while she was still in her PJ's.

- Ready for your first day at your internship?

- Humm, let me check: keys, wallet, pen, cell phone,..

- I meant emotionally..

- Oooh. Sure, I guess. I'd say I was nervous, but after fighting for your life against a lunatic, an internship doesn't sound so scary.

- How did you get it anyway?

- Networking in Brazil paid off in more ways than one... Oh, I should get going... So I'll see you later for our date?

- Sure.

As she watched him go, Ariel felt envy. She didn't have a job. She didn't have anything to do! She just had followed a guy half way around the globe! The total opposite of what she had always said she would do. Sure, she wasn't missing school and she was in the City of Lights... Oh wait, she was in Paris! 

She left that day a couple of hours after Sebastian and went straight to Montmartre. It was a good thing that they had metro stations everywhere because she didn't want to get lost. When she arrived, she sat and sketched the Sacré Coeur Basilique like most of the artists there. When she finished, a couple asked how much it cost. She was surprised, but then said a price at random and got her first sale. Huh. Maybe she could do that for a while. She approached another artist and asked what was it like being a street artist. They had a nice chat and Ariel decided it wasn't such a bad idea for the moment. She then spent the day walking down the streets and taking photographs.


When Sebastian returned, she felt happy knowing that she had as much to tell about her day as him. She might have followed a guy to another country, but she knew he would do as much for her; besides, while she stayed in Paris, she would make sure to make the most of it. Living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world was a great opportunity for an artist.

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