- Alfred? Of course not! He's a moron! Now, he is really a piece of work. Did you know he cheated on his wife with her sister? She felt his cheating of course, so he told her he slept with a nobody because he was drunk. As if. He actually video taped their encounter! Bernard got hold of the tape. We'll use it to make the Luna turn on her mate. With the Alpha couple in problems, and Bernard as a hero, it won't be difficult to take their place.

- Doesn't Alfred have a son?

- Yes, but he's studying in the USA. By the time he gets back, Bernardo will be Alpha.

- And you will be Luna, Wow!.... I still don't understand how he could hide all of this from Alfred, sure Al is stupid, but I didn't know he was that stupid.

- Alfred is a snob. He only cares about the rich districts. Bernard used that to his advantage.

- Let me guess, he built this in... Manchay?

- Wow you really are a genius! Yes, he got one of his companies to donate money for the renovation of a public school. And another to do the construction.

- And of course, he wanted the school to be able to resist an earthquake, so they made deep excavations...

- The school principal was touched by how concerned he was! They even renamed it: the "wisdom and prudence" school. They wanted to put his name, but he had to refuse.

- He's really clever.

Claire smiled. She liked that he she had such a smart mate. But then she looked sad again.

- I wish Bernard would let me give him a nickname. I wanted to call him Bernie but he didn't like it.

- Oh Claire, you have to consider his ego. Bernie is a boy's name. Your mate is not a boy. Mmmm what about calling him by his last name. Mr...

- Mr Fernandez?

- Yes! That would work. You can even play to be the student talking to your high school teacher or something like that.

- That sounds fun. I'm sorry you have to stay here with that whining hag.

- I don't really have a choice, do I? Besides, when I hold her, she cries less and I can get some rest.

- Yeah, I noticed that on the video tapes. It's kinda fortunate they don't record any sounds. I don't think I could have listened to her.

 Sebastian stood up, looking scared all of the sudden. 

- OMG! Your mate will be watching this and he will be furious! I can't believe I was so stupid! He's going to get jealous and kill me!

- You think he's going to get jealous?

- Of course! Males are very possessive about their mates.

- But we just talked!

- Claire, you're his soul mate, he's going to bite my head off and ask questions later.

Claire seemed pleased by the idea of getting his mate all jealous but when she looked at Sebastian, she changed her mind.

- You're the only one that gets me. I won't let him hurt you. Put your hands on me like you did before.

- Claire, I...

- Just do it. The camera is up there, just in front of the containment cell, put on a good show. Later I'll erase the footage from our conversation, but the records will show I visited you, so I'll just show that you were nasty to me, and he'll think you hate me. It's a good plan. I'm not as useless as others.

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