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Hey guys. Sorry for taking so long to get this chapter up. To be honest I simply lost my drive. I would think about what I want to happen next and then when I went to write it nothing came to me and I felt no desire to write anything. Occasionally I'd get it back and write something but that usually happened when I was busy and couldn't write much to begin with. So here's hoping that the next chapter doesn't take as long to write because it's going to blow your minds.

Also, if anyone made the crazy trip to Idaho to see the complete Solar Eclipse give a comment here. My family was going to go but decide the 92% in Salt Lake Valley was good enough. I'm curious what you guys did that day. Anyone brave enough to say?


D was currently steering Mary towards Enis Lobby while she was resting in the women's cabin. They would soon be arriving and he hoped she was able to get a little better. Though if the way the ship creaked was anything to go by her time was running out. He just hoped Luffy had done his part and ended things by now.

He sighed. Sometimes he wondered if he was going about this the right way. Should he try a different method? Maybe he could ask them when this was all over. Not that they would answer him. But he was over due for a visit.


Tempest let out a sigh of relief when Tranquility arrived in time. She didn't know what was so important that she had to stay behind but now that she was here the three of them could give their answer to Sengoku. Why all three of them had to be present she had no idea.

"Thank you for waiting," Tranquility nodded to her and Cur.

"We pretty much arrived five minutes ago." Tempest waved her off. "It surprises me every time someone as calm as you can move faster than Cur. How do you do it?"

"We all have our secrets." Was the coy answer she received.

"Oh!" Cur spoke up suddenly. "Like how Temp was scared of lightning until she was eight."


"It's not that bad." A male voice came from behind them. They all looked at Rocky who had just come from the Headquarter entrance. "I still get scared of being hurried alive whenever I go underground."

"It's not the same," Current giggled.

"It isn't?" He looked at her confused. "I figured since she controls storms and I control earth it was a fair comparison."

"Mortal," Tempest grumbled. Now she was in a bad mood. Those were some embarrassing years for her.

"Did I offend her?" Rocky asked worried. And for some reason he looked over at Tranquility before swallowing nervously.

"Since we live for a long time we generally refer 'centuries' as 'years'." Current explained. "So it really took her eight hundred years to get over her fear."

"Oh." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I guess it makes sense why she's mad at me."

He turned to face Tempest. "Don't feel bad about your fears. Even if I had eight hundred years I doubt I could get over mine."

"Let's just go inside," she growled.

Once inside standing before Sengoku's desk they were all business. Well, almost all of them. Current was currently playing with a small current of water, which she had nicknamed 'The Courageous Current'. She took after their idiot father.

"We've come to give you our answer," Tempest announced.

"I'm sure I already know your answer." He put his pen down. "But something has come up. A Buster Call was ordered."

The Devil's Grin - A One Piece Fanfic (Snail-like Updates)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora