C h a p t e r~S i x t y O n e

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Previously on PJD:

"All of you except those two older ones. The guy has been hysterical all morning, going crazy because we wouldn't let him see the sick girl," Cho says.

"And why wouldn't you? How sick is she?" I ask. Cho looks at me and her face turns expressionless.

"Oh, she's not sick anymore," she says. I sigh in relief.

"Thank gods. Then why wouldn't you let Chase see her-" I start, but she interrupts me.

"Percy, stop listen to me," Cho says. Her expression is serious still.

"Oh gods. I swear if someone got hurt or worse-" I start, but Cho interrupts me yet again.

"Percy, the girl isn't sick anymore because she is dead."


Celeste's POV (well then...)

I wake up with a massive headache in a yellow bed. Immediately something flashes in front of me. 

Chase and I are running from Chaos towards Amity. Except it's not Chaos, it's one of his minions, Iapetus. He is xenos too,  but for some reason much less powerful than even just me. But he could really throw a knife. 

"If you don't stop right now, I will kill one of you," Iapetus yells. We don't stop, and are about to jump through the window where Apollo can help us. We contacted Will about an hour ago, and he said he would be waiting in Apollo's office, where Apollo and the rest of the Amity would help us stop Iapetus.

Then Chase falls backwards, and onto the ground. A knife is in his shoulder. He groans in pain. 

"Chase!" I scream. and start crying. I pull the knife out of his back, and turn towards Iapetus. Then I pull the small dart of Abnegation serum I stole from my pocket. 

"You want to take away all of our family and all of our life? Then I will take away yours," I scream through muffled tears and before he realizes what is happening I throw the dart into his neck, a perfect shot, and he falls to the ground as his life fades away. I turn back to Chase, and his shoulder is bleeding badly. 

"Your not going to die Chase! I promise, it's only your shoulder you will be okay," I say, crying. Then Iapetus walks over slowly. 

"Is this man okay?" He asks slowly like a baby taking it's first steps. 

"Get away," I growl, and then I remember that he has no memories. "No, well I don't know," I whisper and then cry. 

"Do not cry pretty lady, it is okay. Would you like help taking him in?" Iapetus asks. I nod and Iapetus picks him up gently. I pull open the window and climb up. Everyone is standing there. staring at us. Then people take Chase away to heal him. 

"Who is this?" Apollo asks gesturing to Iapetus. 

"I would like to know, who am I?" asks Iapetus. Apollo raises his eyebrows, and then guesses what happened. I nod confirmation. 

"Apollo, this is...ah...Bob. But he has to go now, back to Candor," I say. Bob nods and leaves right through the window. 

"Goodbye Bob," I yell through the window. Then Apollo leads me to a small room with four beds, and Will is already there. I say hello, and he just nods. I lay down in the yellow bed and fall asleep...

My vision clears and I am on the bed still, covered in sweat and tears. My sheets have been thrown off of me and are on the floor. But the worst part is the people standing around me, At least ten or fifteen, but they keep moving way to fast for me to tell. Then I realize I am hooked up to many many machines. One is beeping really really fast. 

"Quello che è successo?" I ask, groaning. They stare at me blankly.

"What did she say?" one asks.

"She is speaking some other Language. I think Italian," Another one says. No I'm not, are they deaf?

"Di cosa stai parlando?" I mutter, groaning again from my massive headache. 

"We need a translator. What if she's saying something important?" Another one says. I am getting slightly frustrated now. Why can't these people understand what I am saying?

"That boy, Chase, the one she kept screaming his name he may know," one says. 

"Chase...?" I mutter. Three people leave and come back with Chase. They are holding him in their arms restraining him from something. 

"Celeste!" He cries out, and breaks away from the grips of all three men easily. He strokes my hair gently and wipes the tear streaks off my cheeks. 

"Chase, amore, sono spaventato. Le immagini non si fermano," I tell him. He nods and repeats exactly what I said to the rest of the people for some strange reason. 

Then that machine that was beeping starts going faster and faster. I start panicking. 

"Chase, cosa sta succedendo?" I say quickly. The thing goes faster.

"Why is it going up so fast?" Chase cries out. What is?

"Something is wrong," someone says. Then the world blurs and images flash by faster than before. Faster than I would ever of thought possible. Chase, Chaos, Family

"Make it stop!" I cry out. And then a bright light engulfs me and all I hear is the beeping gone silent.

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