C h a p t e r~T h i r t y

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Previously on PJD:

"Eight of us," Frank whispers, tears trailing down his cheeks silently. Suddenly Thalia bursts back into the room screaming and crying. I run to her to hug her but she shoves me away and I realize that she's grinning and her tears are tears of joy.

Yes. Please be what I think it is.

"Jason is alive!" She screeches. And we all push past Michael and out of the bunker.


Annabeth's POV

*three days earlier*

"No..." I mutter, scrambling back from a dazed Percy. He sits up and groans, rubbing his head.

"How did I get here. Why are you here?" He asks.

"I...I'm Annabeth. And..."

"Your Annabeth?" He asks. "I keep hearing your name in my head..."

I sigh in relief, and hold my chest. He partly remembers me.

"It has to be short term amnesia. There's no other explanation for it," I mutter. He slowly stands up as do I, and he looks me in the eye.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"Dauntless Percy. You and I...never mind. But Ethan pushes us off the cliff, you saved me. Then you hit your head. Then you blacked out. Then you saved me again..." I quickly try to explain everything, felling weird and so many emotions at once. I want to hug him but if I do I'm afraid he'll push me away.

"Dauntless is...?" He questions. I groan a single tear escaping and I bury my head in my hands.

"We need to get out of here," I say looking around. We are in a cave with bones everywhere, with a small beach. There's two small tunnels on each side of the cave.

"Dauntless..." Percy repeats, looking around.

"We need to choose which tunnel. Maybe there's specific markings on the wall," I mutter, going through a list of ideas in my head, the gears in my head whirring.

"Factions," Percy says, walking around the beach a bit.

"There can't be anything down the tunnels, except a way out. Anything here will be dead," I say, starting to pace, my grain working at full speed.

"Wise Girl."

I spin around and he's staring at me, with a small look of recognition. My Brian instantly stops working and all that's in my mind is how Percy said my nickname.

"Seaweed Brain," I say. He laughs.

"I faintly remember. The factions, the choosing ceremony, the fears, you Wise Girl," he says. "But everything is foggy."

"But you remember us...?" I ask. He nods, and I feel the corners of my mouth twitch up. Before I know what I'm doing, I run up to him and jump into his arms. He stumbled a little bit, but regains his posture. He lets ame down but keeps me in a hug, stroking my hair.

"Lets get out of here, and back...to..."

"Dauntless," I whisper. He nods and I grab his hands, the gears in my head turning again.

"I think if we go to the left...there are less bones there..."I mutter, most of my thoughts in my head. We head into that tunnel and see nothing for the first few miles. Percy groans a few more miles after, clutching his head.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. He just nods slightly and leans against the wall, sliding his back down into a sitting position.

"How long have we been walking?" He asks, and I can tell his head must be pounding, symptoms of a concussion. Probably amplified because of his amnesia.

"Maybe around five hours, we've walked almost seven miles into here, no more tunnels off the sides," I offer. Percy groans. We've only taken a few breaks.

"Maybe we should just sleep...I'm really tired right now," he says, yawning and closing his eyes.

"No!" I cry out slapping him. He groans more.

"What the hell Annabeth, do dauntless just slap each other as a greeting or something?" He asks me. I can tell he's only half joking.

"You cant go to sleep with a concussion, you may never wake up," I whisper the last part.

"Fine, I'll stay awake, but only for you Wise Girl," he says, and just sits there staring at the wall, half resting.

I wonder in my head if what he means by staying awake for me...he could easily die if he wanted to but he'll satay awake and alive just for me...my heart pounds with my love for him. Maybe I'm just overthinking it though.

I slide down the wall next to him and see his eyelids wanting to close, but he keeps them open for me.

"You go to sleep Wise Girl, I'll keep watch. Don't worry I won't fall asleep," he whispers. I laugh a little before drifting off.

"Keep watch for what?" I mutter, but I don't hear his answer. I'm already gone.

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