C h a p t e r~T h i r t y F o u r

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Previously on PJD:

"Leo wait. It wasn't his fault. He was being controlled by a simulation," Frank says. Leo snorts.

"Like I'm gonna believe that," he frowns.

"It's true, Leo," we hear a voice whisper. Calypso.

She's truly alive.


Percy's POV

I am in the stupid cell they keep me in thinking about Annabeth. There's no way she can possibly be dead they are lying. Suddenly some food slides under my door like it usually does. They do give me food though, to keep me healthy. They need to keep me healthy to do the stupid experiments so they can control the divergent.

I take it and start eating it. It tastes worse than normal. Then I see something shiny under the bowl of soup.

A key. I look around and in the corners of the cameras in the room. They barley check my room anyway cause there's no way I can really go.

I quickly get up and punch the window out. The glass breaks easily. Almost too easily. I fit the key in the hole and turn. I swing the door open and run down the hall.

Suddenly I am shoved up against the wall by a mop of curly blond hair.

"Annabeth!" I cry, kissing her, happier than in my life ever.

"Cmon Percy we gotta get outta here," she says. She grabs my hand and we run through the halls and I hear an alarm.

"What about....they said you were dead!" I pant as we run. She doesn't respond, we just run around the halls, trying to find a way out. Finally freedom is right in front of us. The double doors to get out of this place are right there. Then I freeze.

"Percy what are you doing? Cmon we're right here!" Annabeth calls. I listen. The alarms have stopped no guards in sight. Then there's one in front of me, his gun pointed towards my chest.

"Percy!" Annabeth screams. It takes all my will to not run towards her. The gun I am holding fires at the man but misses. I didn't have a gun before. I feel tears wash down my face.

"I love you Annabeth," I whisper. Then I shoot my self  and the world goes black.


I am on the strapped table again, tears all over my face, but I can't wipe them off.

Kronos is leaning over me and I smile.

"Face it, you can't do it," I whisper. He slams a fist on the table right next to my face. I don't even flinch. He paces across the floor, multiple Erudite talking to him at once and saying my results and everything.

"Shut up!" He yells. "Get Perseus back to his cell now."

I keep a black face now as they untie my straps, observing me. I launch up and grab a knife out of Kronos's belt and stab one of the Erudite. He falls to the floor dead. I run out the door and spin around stabbing two more like lightning. There's three more, but I hear alarms and shouts now. I know this is real. I head towards the room I know she will be in.

I have memorized most of the halls now, they've taken me to so many rooms for so many simulations so far. I hear a small pop behind me and duck, seeing the dart whizz over my head. I stay where I am as the guard runs towards me and I stab his thigh and then his chest. I hear guns a couple hallways down and I push the doors into the room. It smells nasty and has the horrible vibe of death. Body bags line the tables and the room is dark.

I head towards the back in the area marked 'dauntless'. I lift the single bag that is back there. I fall to my knees when I see the mop of curly blond princess curls. I curl up on the floor, crying more than I ever have. Screaming, thrashing, yelling, sobbing all at the same time. The floor I soaked with my tears, and I throw my knife at the wall.

Suddenly I hear the doors burst open and guards flood in the room. I scream and don't stop as I am grabbed my three guards and dragged out of the room, thrashing and crying, but not even trying to escape.

The guards drag me all the way to my cell, past a angry Kronos, past all the non innocent people I killed. They hurt everyone, not just my friends. And they killed my Wise Girl.

They throw me in my cell and I land on the hard cold floor, not even attempting to get on my bed. I don't stop crying for hours. Life without Annabeth is unthinkable. I failed her, failed my mom, failed everyone. They did tell me they returned my mom back home, but I don't know what to believe anymore. But I do know one thing.

I got what I needed to know.

My Wise Girl is dead.

Okay. I'm so so so so sorry. I just...I did it. It was harder than any decision I have pretty much EVER made, please don't kill me. I'm so so so so so sorry. I tried to hard I really did but...PLEASE don't kill me😢

Love you all...


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