C h a p t e r~F i f t y T w o

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Previously on PJD:

"Why...?" I ask softly. Celeste groans and facepalms. Chase suddenly bursts out laughing and Annabeth does a well.

"It's like he's drunk," Chase laughs.

"It's getting late, we should all go to bed, Percy will sleep it off," Celeste says. Annabeth nods and takes my wrist.

"Where are we goinggggg Wise Girllllll?" I ask. She just groans and drags me into our room, when I immediately lie down to fall asleep.


Jason's POV

We all crouch around Hazel. She is laying on her bed, unmoving, not breathing. Piper, Frank and Calypso are crying, and the rest of us sit solemnly and on the verge of tears. We have placed candles around the room in memory of her.

"What do you think that guy did to her?" I ask.

"Whatever it is, I will not stop until he is dead," Frank growls, and you can practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

"Oh my god..." Piper says, placing a hand on Hazel's heart. "Come look over here guys," she says. We all go to the other side of the bed and Frank let's out a small cry.

There are multiple-no, many-needle spots in Hazel's neck, and some have the trace of liquid coming out of them.

"He...what...?" Frank chokes out.

"What did he do?" Thalia whispers.

"I know," says a quiet voice. Calypso. We all turn to her, and Leo and her and holding hands.

"He did what he did to us, but in a different way. When you think about it, it obvious. He took Hazel, injected her with truth serum. Then when she said Percy was dead, which he refused to believe, he kept using more and ,ore truth serum until..." Calypso trails off.

"Oh Hazel..." Leo whispers, placing a hand over Pipers, above her heart. Calypso does the same, and then so do I. We all to the same until our hands are all piled up over her heart.

"I love you Hazel," Frank says, choking out another sob and a flash wave of tears. "Just...if your still in there...hold on."

Suddenly Hazel bolts up taking a huge breath of air. Everyone falls backwards in surprise. Almost an hour dead and she...came alive again?

"OhmygodHazelhowthehelldidyoudothat?!" Frank cries and tackles her kissing her.

"I listened to you Frank. I heard your voice," she whispers. Frank helps her sit up.

"Go get her something to eat someone," he orders. Piper rushes downstairs followed by Calypso.

"I love you so much Hazel," Frank whispers. The rest of us leave to give them time alone. We walk downstairs and into the kitchen where Piper and Calypso are making tomato soup for Hazel.

"Guys, we have to make a promise to each other. Everyone has each others backs, no matter the situation. We're all in this together, no one else can get hurt," I say. Everyone nods and mutters a promise.

"No more death, no more hurting," I whisper.

Oh, if only I had known what was going to happen later.

What does that mean?

Well it's fairly simple :)

Someone is going to die!

Love you all :)

You welcome for sparing Hazel :)

You guys didn't think I could actually kill her?? 😂😂

That doesn't mean I can't kill anyone else.... ;)


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