C h a p t e r~F i f t y S e v e n

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Previously on PJD:

"Oh, that's it? I get all the ladies, every single one I meet. Don't worry though guys, your ladies can have a little longer with you-" that earn Leo a hard slap across the face and multiple hits on his arms and legs.

"Ow! Calypso! Stop! I take it back! I take it back! Ow! Ow!" He says in between each slap and hit. Everyone bursts out laughing when Calypso finishes and claps her hands together.

"Alright, my turn," Leo says, but he is interrupted by an opening door. Everyone screeches when they see who walks in. Piper, Thalia, and Hazel start crying, and everyone else almost passes out. I am not shocked though. Because the two who everyone notices are Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.


Percy's POV

As I tumble down towards the ground with Luke, I hear Annabeth screaming.

"Luke? I saw you dead!" I scream over the wind.

"Percy you need to listen to me! I can only hold him off for a minute! He has the Eidolon serum on me! He controls me, and I can't stop it! Just do everything you can, Im sorry. If you kill me you kill him! I regret everything that I ever-" he is cut off and twitches for a second and then the deep voice comes back.

"Mr. Jackson, he can't control me. And you can't kill me, so why don't we just-" he is cut off by us splashing into water. The pond. I swim down and pull him with me. But with amazing strength he pulls me up and onto the shore where we fight again. I push him onto the ground but he flings me off him and I go soaring through the air and hit a tree, knocking the wind out of me.

I get up wheezing and I run towards him, and he runs towards me. At the last second someone comes in between us and tackles Chaos/Luke to the ground. A tangle of curly brown hair.

"I'm much older than any of you, Miss Bellissimo. Don't try to-" Chaos/Luke is cut off by his own scream as Celeste plunges the dagger in his arm. He flings her off but she gains her balance again and runs towards him. With crazy aim she throws the knife right at his heart. But it seems as if time slows down, because Chaos/Luke catches the knife. Celeste freezes in her spot, and so does Chase and Annabeth who were running towards us. Chaos/Luke grins and waves the knife around, standing up. He scans each of us and twirls the knife around his fingers.

"So...who will it be? Mr Jackson, Mr Forte? Or Miss Bellissimo, Miss Chase?" Chaos/Luke smiles. Then he twitches and something incredible happens.

"I'm sorry," Luke whispers. Then he plunges the dagger into his own heart. We all rush forward, and Annabeth looks appalled. Chaos/Luke dies, and disappears in a dark ash and blows away with the wind.

"What the hell just happened? And why did Chaos just stab himself?" Asks Chase.

"That was Chaos somehow in Luke's body with the use of a serum. Luke is..." I trail off and Annabeth finishes for me.

"And old friend," she whispers. Celeste then doubles over onto the ground and on her knees.

"Celeste?!" Chase cries out. Celeste just waves her hand dismissively.

"I'm okay just a little..." she trials off not finishing her sentence.

"Your not okay. What did Chaos do to you when he took you?" Asks Chase. Celeste just tries to stand up but her knees wobble. Chase picks her up and holds her.

"He just dragged me down the hall and up onto the roof, and then...that's all I remember," she says. Then she falls back onto her knees again.

"Gods, we need to get you over the fence now," Chase says, and picks her up bridal style.

"No, I'm fine..." she says, but her face is paling considerably.

"Over the fence? I thought there was nothing over the fence!" Annabeth says. I nod in confusion.

"We may of been lying to you. We went there once, and there was a building. They said they wouldn't let us out of the "experiment" unless we have more than one Xenos to save. There is a safe place and part of a real world without factions out there," Chase says. Annabeth and I's mouths drop open in shock.

"Chase, I know we need to get Celeste to safety as fast as possible, but Annabeth and I have to go save our friends. We just have to. Please just come with us to get them from dauntless," I plead.

"Amore, it's okay. I'll be fine. Just...lets go with them to rescue their friends. A couple minutes won't hurt," Celeste says. Chase sighs and nods.

"How will we get you on the train?" Annabeth asks.

"Chase can take me. He is forte," Celeste says. I cock my head in confusion.

"It's Italian for strong," Chase says. Then he pauses. "You promised we would only use two words to speak in Italian anymore," he says to Celeste.

"When?" She asks, confused. A look of horror passes across Chase's face. Then he shakes his head, dismissing something.

"What?" Annabeth asks. Chase just starts running as the train approaches. We follow him and and jump onto the train. He jumps in successfully with Celeste in his arms. He lays her down on her back and she looks up at him.

"Mio amore, aiutami," she says. Chase's face pales.

"Why is she speaking in Italian? And what is she saying?" Annabeth asks.

"She said...'my love, help me'" Chase translates.

I don't even know what to say anymore lol.

Why does she need help?



Percy Jackson Divergent✔️      Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt