C h a p t e r~T w e n t y S i x

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Previously on PJD:

"Cmon Jase, it's okay. You'll make it, just, listen to Piper," I say. Piper is now almost sobbing, and Hazel screams for help. Soon we are swarmed with medics and leaders bringing him to the infirmary, and then the surgical room. I stand there as everyone but Calypso leaves off with Jason. She comes close to me and holds my hand, looking into my eyes. I am on the verge of tears. Jason and I have become best friends over the months and it's so difficult watching three people I know die...or almost in Jason's case.

Calypso leans in towards my lips but my hearts to broken for others, it seems selfish to be happy right now. I lean away, ignoring her hurt face.

"I don't think now is a great time," I whisper.


Percy's POV

These are not the waves and water that I love and am used to.

Not the water I use to visit by the secret lake I found when I was little.

Not the peaceful water I knew.

This is hardly even water. The rush of peace and power does not come, no energy from this water. Instead I am thrown under and over, choking and coughing, drowning.



Percy, I have to warn you about this one-the last test, okay? You will be watched by many many people now, the hardest challenge yet. Prepare yourself," Rachel says. I nod, taking a deep breath as she inserts the needle into my neck and the world goes black.

Suddenly I am in a glass box, and no one is around in the dark room. Just me and the glass box. Then I hear something rushing through pipes.


I breath in relief as the water flows around the box, and feel energized. And then I realize. I am in a glass box. The box will fill. My worst fear will come true.


I pound on the glass, but it is halfway full. The glass is not breaking, and then I pause, remembering my mom's words from when she had visited me on visiting day. I had forgotten them completely, not even thought about that day, or remembered it.

'Perseus-Percy. Never do anything that's not possible in real life in the simulations. Don't say anything along the lines of it's not real. Pretend it is. Don't do anything-" then she left, running.

I stop pounding on the glass and think.

Annabeth. I strip my shirt off and rip it up.

What would Annabeth do.

I stuff it in the pipes, stopping the flow of water. I cheer to myself, and the vision is gone.

*flashback over*

But there were no pipes this time. No mom. Nothing. Then I remember again.

Annabeth. I use the last of my strength to fight the raging darkness of waves and dodge rocks and look for her honey blond curls. I yell her name but choke again. Then I see a mess of blond hair heading to a sharp rock. I use my fill strength and the small energy I can gain from the water, and swim towards her. I scoop her up and fling us out of the way of the rock. Soon, I watch the water turn red.

Red with blood. I yell and attempt to lift her out of the water. She is not the one bleeding.

I look around to see Ethan floating by us, a knife in his neck. Then he disappears under the waves, and the water resumes its normal color. Suddenly Annabeth wakes up coughing and spitting, trying to tread water. My strength is fading. I start letting go of her, but try not to.

I can't stop. I must...

Must save her...

This water drains me, not giving me energy. I feel the world fade but hold on with everything I have.

Annabeth's POV

I am fully awake after hitting the water with full force. Percy is slipping, I can feel it. His eyes flutter but he keeps a firm hold on me.

"Percy hold on! It's okay! We can get out of here! Up ahead there's a shore I see it! It's swim left!" I choke out slowly through the raging waters. Then we are thrown under and I hear a crack. We come up and Percy is unconscious. He had hit his head on a rock.

I scream and with all my strength and drag him towards the shore. Soon we are swept under again, but I keep a firm hold on him, not letting him go. As we surface and I can barely take another breath, I heave him on shore and his weight stays there, and I pull myself up. Suddenly a wave grabs me and I am struggling to get a hold on Percy. I don't want to drag him under with me. I close my eyes and let go.

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