C h a p t e r~E l l e v e n

587 24 41

Previously on PJD

The rest of the day I have been in a good mood. Because the rankings have changed.

1. Luke

2. Octivian

3. Piper

4. Jason

5. Frank

6. Nico

7. Leo

8. Annabeth

9. Hazel

10. Percy

11. Thalia

12. Selena

I now know Luke needs to be stopped. I saw him after breakfast cornering Octavian in the bathroom. Luke had a knife. Octavian had a gun. Luke got up and left. Now they are out to kill each other.


I can't kill him. I just can't. I'm not a killer.

Right now we are in the bunker, listening to Rachel lecture us about some capture the flag paintball thing. But my mind is going elsewhere.

I look over at Annabeth and see her long blond curly hair falling gracefully over her shoulders. I don't realize I am staring until I get a hard elbow from Thalia.

We have become friends ever since the fights. We had a lot in common, and we found out that we are cousins. So if that Nico kid. We are all cousins. That Nico kid scares me though. He can really pack a punch, and during the fights I caught him staring at me.

He's probably just analyzing whether or not he is gonna kill he or not.


I look away and just look down at my hands.

I wonder how it would feel to really kiss Annabeth. Like full on make out kiss. Like-

"Percy Jackson! I asked you a question! Where are we going for capture the flag in one hour?" She asks me. It reminds me of my old teacher in Candor, when she used to call someone out if they are not paying attention.

"Uh...um....uh....I don't know?" I say.

"Correct! You don't know yet. Next time stop staring at the ladies though," she catches my eye and glares, and I blush. I hear giggles and snickers.

"Now, load up and get on the train! Now!" She yells. Everyone rushes into the gear room and grans a paint ball gun. I'm just going with my instincts on this game. Everyone grabs some armor, and it feels good on me. I grab a helmet too and we run hopping onto the train. Everyone stands up ready, as Rachel lectures us on where we will have our bases.

She has brought Ethan along with her.


"Alright losers! We're gonna be splittin' into teams! Ima captain, and Rachel's a captain. I choose Luke!" He calls. Luke smirks.

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