C h a p t e r~T h i r t y T h r e e

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Previously on PJD:

Oh Percy, I thought you were better than that," he scolds. I scowl, not giving him the satisfaction. He just slowly walks away before I yell out.

"Where is Annabeth."

He slowly turns around dramatically, and puts his hands put to his sides like jazz hands.


Okay guys I just wanted to let you know, I love you all so much, and before you read this I just wanted to tell you that...please don't kill me...

Hmmmmmm...who shall I kill....?

Wait. I already know!

Nico's POV (your welcome😄)

Closets. My happy place right now. Thank gods Jason is alive. He protected me that time when...never mind. I can't even think about that.

There's a small noise next to me and I pull out my gun. I've been in this closet alone.

"Nico Di Angelo, how are you?" A voice asks. I growl.

"Who are you, smartass?" I ask, annoyance dripping from my voice.

"What's wrong? Scared? How...un-dauntless of you," the person says. Male or female, I can't tell. The voice sounds...I can't even tell.

"Who are you?" I ask. The voice just laughs.

"My name is Eidolon. Don't worry though, I won't have to torture you to get my way. Because there's other ways we get what we want," Eidolon says. I stiffen and pull the trigger to my gun, but there's so bullets. I feel something stab into my arm and feel something rushing into my arm. Soon my vision goes black.


I'm walking through the halls unable to move my own body. Whatever Eidolon injected me with, it's controlling me. Then it hits me. A simulation.

I round the corner into the bunker. Only a few people are here. I try to fight the simulation, but nothing works. I'm stuck in the back of my head, only watching.

Leo, Calypso, Frank, and Piper are here. They are chatting calmly in a circle on the floor. I feel my hand tighten around my knife. As I walk towards them. Frank looks up.

"Hey Nico-" all the blood drains from his face.

"Guys," he taps their shoulders. They are all staring at me. I feel a look of hunger and some anger in my facial expression.

"What are you doing Nico?" Piper asks.

"Killing one of you," my voice says. Piper raises her eyebrows.

"Nico what is going-" Calypso starts but I rush forward and tackle Frank, even though somewhere in the simulation I know that he's not going to be the dead one.

"Guys looks at his eyes. This isn't Nico. He's in some kind of simulation," Piper says. Frank throws me off him into the back corner but I hear my voice just laugh.

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