C h a p t e r~N i n e

551 21 62

Annabeth's POV

"Uuuhhh" I hear a low groan below me on the bed I am sitting next to. Percy's windswept messy black hair cover his eyes a little until he rolls over and faces me.

He's adorable.

Wait who said that??

His eyes flutter open. I blush and try to cover it up.

"You drool when you sleep," I tell him. He grins and tries to sit up, wincing. He leans slowly back down.

"How long have I..." he winced and grabs his head, "been out?"

I sigh. He won't take this well. I was also worried sick for him. He had been out for days and I didn't exactly wanna explain why.

"You've been out for three days. After you got knocked out, Luke kept punching you and hitting you. They had to sedate him he was so angry about something," I explain.

"No wonder I don't feel well. I feel like my head is clogged up." He groans.

"No wonder your such a seaweed brain," I smirk. His head is full of seaweed!

"Well if your so wise," he ponders for a moment, "wise girl, then why did I beat you in that fight?"

He smirks, and I glare. He doesn't know how that fight made me feel.

"That was a one time thing, seaweed brain. Never again," I smile.

He sits up slowly, and puts a hand on my heart to steady himself.

"Sorry," he says. I blush. He is inches away from my face. He leans in slowly, and I lean in back.

I love him. And I can't let him know my secret. Or let Luke know what's going on.

Suddenly, the doors burst open and Luke walks in. I pull away. He screams.

"Annie, what the hell are you doing?!"


Percy's POV

I see Annabeth get up and leave quickly. She flashes me a look of guilt on her way out. I've never seen her so scared.

Luke slowly saunters towards me.

"Perce, my man, I thought we were friends. Doing this together, right? When you started going hard on me, I thought I was done for, so I just fought...a little harder back," he says. He is still glaring and walking towards me slowly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go so hard on you Luke," I say, my voice cracking slightly. His glare pierced through me.

"Perce, I think this is going to have to stop," he says.

I see him drawing a black object from his pocket. It's tip is NOT orange so it must be real. A gun?

"Especially since you were bout to make out with my girlfriend," be snarls. He draws the object out farther. It definitely looks like a gun.

"Annabeth is....your girlfriend?" I ask, astonished. He nods and smirks. Then he glares again.

"So b-" he starts saying something that sounds suspiciously like "bye" when I hear someone slam the doors open and charge in. It's Rachel. Luke shoves the gun back in his pocket and glares at me.

His eyes say "if you tell a soul your dead". I gulp. He runs out.

"Ah, Percy, your awake! Good to see. You start training up again tomorrow. It's 12:00 now, we will have someone bring you lunch, since you have a sprained ankle. It's almost healed though, and you'll be fine to fight some more. Anyway, the second part of initiation starts in a week, so get ready," she says, flashing me a flirty smile on her way out, and shutting the big green doors to the infirmary.

I sit alone, in the small room. The bed feels like metal beneath me, an I try to close my eyes before anyone comes back. Just hoping that Luke won't come to kill me.


Annabeth's POV

"Luke, please! No more! I've had enough this week! It was a mistake!" I cry. He doesn't stop. He slaps me, and punches me in the gut, until I fall to my knees in the small closet.

My voice only comes out in hoarse whispers.

"Luke no, please," I say. I am panting. If I dare fight back, he will abuse me even more than he ever has.

He has me caught in his abusive relationship. One wrong move, ouch.

I was so scared when Percy hit me even the lightest bit, that's the only reason I went down. I was scared he was like Luke. But I don't think he is.

"Annabeth, I saw you trying to kiss him. You both kissing each other! You know that's cheating, right? And what just happened is what cheating deserves, alright babe?" He says, plastering a fake smile on his face. I nod slowly, and he opens the door to the closer, opening a hand and putting it around my waist as we walk out. I guess he really wants us to be known now. I see people smirking and pointing at us, going "oooh! So cute!"

I sigh. If only they knew the truth.

Hey guys! Waz up?

Probably the feels. Hehe

Sorry for such the short chapter, but it had to be ended on you favorite thing, cliff hangers!

Hope you guys are enjoying the story!


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