C h a p t e r~F o u r t e e n

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Previously on PJD:
Part one:
We open the door to the bunker to see a kid with an eyepatch and knife standing over a body. The body is bloody and has a horrible stand would in his arm. The eyepatch kid yells something and throws a green ball at us. Smoke erupts from it and I can't see anything. When it clears the boy is gone.

We all rush over to the boy. His jet black hair is clotted with blood and his sea green eyes are closed. I choke out a sob as medics come rushing into the room and load him onto a stretcher.

The boy is Percy. My percy.

Part two:
"Master, I did what you told," says a boy with an eyepatch. He drops the blood knife beside the leader of Erudite.

The leader, a burly man with golden eyes and no hair, wearing a blue suit looks down at the knife with a scowl.

"And where did you stab him, Ethan?" The leader growls.

"In the arm. But that's only because he screamed and I heard them coming and-"

"ETHAN! I told you you idiot! The heart! He may be still alive you idiot! Down to the dungeon patrol for a week! You'll have to answer to Luke when he gets back tonight," says the leader. He growls and pushes Ethan down the Erudite hallway to go to the underground dungeon to guard the divergent.

Ethan mutters to himself as he walks down the stairs and hears the leader mutter too.

"And I told you to call me Lord Kronos, not Master."

Hey guys one more thing I should include. Ethan the kid is different than Ethan the dauntless initiate trainer. It may be confusing and when I wrote it I completely forgot about older Ethan😂😂

So hope you don't get confused! I may kill one of them to keep away the confusion cause I love making you all get the feels, even if you don't like the character.

Cause I have my ways...😉😏

Annabeth's POV

"Let me in! LET ME IN!" I scream and hit, shove, kick, and push people aside trying to get into the room where my Percy lies. Ethan pushes me to the ground and holds me there.

"Ethan let go (lol when I wrote this it read "Ethan let ho of me!") of me!" I scream and push the dauntless leader off me. He raises his eyebrows at my strength but I punch him again and bust through the doors.

"Annabeth Chase! Stop right there!" Yell multiple adults including Ethan.

I just bust in and kneel next to Percy.

The blood has been washed away, but his arm is in a sling, and bandaged up. He is still unconscious. I put a hand on his forehead. It is hot. It shouldn't be so hot.

"Someone help! He's overheating! He's hurt! He's dying! He's-" nurses flood into the room doing things to Percy I can't look at. I scream some more. This day can't possibly get any worse. And when I find that eyepatch kid...

I feel a needle stick in my arm, and everything goes black.


Piper's POV

Annabeth and I had become very good friends over the week. We had heard about the simulations, and what they did. Annabeth helped me study, and we learned things about it using our laptops that our Annabeth's parents sent to her. (She needed multiple to stay organized).

We've had each others backs and told each other secrets. Like our worst fears, and of course our crushes. I was in love with Jason. His mesmerizing electric blue eyes, and blond hair that was Roman style cropped.

So I decided to help her out. She was obviously hysterical due to someone's attempt to murder Percy. She was screaming, crying, and even laughing. Her face was getting so red I thought she was going to explode, literally. So I sedated her.

I'm a great friend. But she would of probably killed someone.

I stuck a needle in her arm.

As I drag her through the halls, I notice they are empty. All the adults are with Percy, or we're holding Annabeth back. I walk into the bunker and see Luke sitting in his bed. He doesn't even look up when I set Annabeth onto the bed. I tucked her in like my step mom used to when I was younger. She died.

Suddenly Luke looks up and gasps.

"Annabeth, baby!" He cries and jumps up, rushing over to her bedside.

"Get away from her, Luke," I hiss. "Did you not hear her earlier? She broke up with you," I spit out the last part. He glares coldly at me.

"She was hysterical. She didn't mean it. We're meant for each other," he snarls.

"Shut the hell up Luke! She's been planning it! Everyone in initiates knows about you abusing her! Did you not notice how they're ignoring you? Your a heartless cold jerk, Luke!" I scream in his face and push him back so he falls on his ass.

I look at Annabeth, who is still knocked out cold. I punch Luke in the face, and he's out cold too. I drag him out of the room and throw him in a trash can. I clap my hands together, and go back to the bunker, to wait for Annabeth to wake up.

As I said, a good friend.

Hey guys! Sorry it's kinda a short chapter! But go pipes! What a savage and a really great friend tho! I want a Piper! Comment below if you want your very own Piper!

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