C h a p t e r~N i n e t e e n

342 13 6

Anonymous POV

I whipped my head around and saw a boy and a girl, both teenagers, staring at me and holding weapons with shock. I'm lucky I'm wearing my cloak, as it doesn't show my face. I sneer from under the darkness and whip out the knife I had used to kill the traitor. He betrayed lord Kronos by trying to kill the Annabeth girl. We need her.

The boy raises his gun, but I am faster. I whip my cloak around so they can't see me and then lunge towards the boy, knocking the gun out of his hand. I recognize him. One of Ethan's. Can't believe he refused the offer of a lord Kronos. Him of all people.

I tackle the boy to the ground, and hold the knife to his chest.

"Jase!" The girl cries out. I snicker.

"Let him go, now," he demands. I turn my head towards her.

"And why should I do that, my dear?" I say, trying to keep my voice deep enough for her to not know my gender. But I can see in her eyes she knows.

"Your a girl? A girl around my age?" She says in disbelief. I scoff and deepen my voice.

"You don't know that."

"I do. Now let go of my boyfriend," she says, holding up her knife. I had to say, she was pretty convincing. I felt like dropping my knife and running away, but knew it would do no good for lord Kronos.

"NOW," she demands loudly. She holds up a device, strange looking, but beeping, towards me. It is black with a red light and a sharp metal tip of the end. She clicks it, and my voice records back. They have my voice.

"Okay, okay," I say. I back up slowly, looking at the boy who scrambles up and grabs his gun.

"Who are you?" The boy demands.

"None of your concern," I say. Suddenly, the girl dashes forward and whips off my hood. Out of instinct, I slash my knife at her and she falls to the ground, blood rushing out of her upper thigh. Jason cries out, and kneels by her side. The girl weakly hands Jason the device, and he shoves it in his pocket. He stands up, a look of grave danger in his eyes. Then, he looks surprised when he sees who I am.

The looks upward, and throws his gun. I am surprised, so I look up. The last thing I see is a box of sparking cables filled with electricity falling down towards me, and I hear him say my name.




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