block her. She needed to stay strong. She had been lost in her thoughts, telling her wolf to shut up, and she hadn't noticed when he had started talking again. She started to pay attention when Sebastian was already in the middle of a sentence.

- ... Miranda told me. I'm sorry about that. She had no right to go and yell at you. We're very close so she feels protective of me, but that's not a good enough excuse. I hope you are not too mad.

- Hmm. No. It's in the past. Don't worry about it. Besides, it's true I acted like a child in Cuzco, I'm sorry about that. You were right, I was such a hypocrite.

- I exaggerated. My reaction was over the top. I'm sorry too.

They smiled at each other feeling lost in each others' eyes. They snapped out of their trance when a voice asked passengers leaving to Rio de Janeiro from gate 4 to board their plane.

- That's me. Got to go. It was nice seeing you Ariel, I'm glad we could talk and congratulations again.

He gave her a small kiss on the cheek and left quickly.

Ariel was filled with strong emotions inside of her. She was sad to see him go, in fact she already missed him. At the same time she couldn't stop thinking about that little kiss. It  had been innocent

and yet it had sent an electric shock into her body filling her with joy and even lust. It was too much. She was glad she still had some minutes before boarding her plane because she felt her knees wouldn't be able to support her weight if she tried to stand up. So she sat there, wondering why Alpha Rafael would send Sebastian to that scientific congress, she thought he was busy looking into all the attacks, and yet he had taken enough interest to sign up Sebastian. Maybe it was a big deal. How important was it? Then she remembered she wouldn't have known Sebastian was flying to Brazil if Tom hadn't told him to leave early and matched his departure time with hers. If he thought he could get away with this without anybody noticing his interference, he was wrong, so she called him.

- Playing Cupid, are we?

- Hey Ace! What are you talking about?

He was feigning innocence but she could hear the amusement in his voice.

- You know perfectly well Tom! You booked his flight so we would meet at the airport? Really?!

- Oh, Sebastian! That's right he was leaving today too huh, I had totally forgotten.

- Tom!!

He laughed then answered.

- C'mon Ace, you two needed to talk and as Beta...

- Don't give me that excuse again, you were playing match maker!

- Did it work?

- Tom!

- Alright, alright. Are you still mad at him?

- No, we apologized.

- OK then, so it wasn't a complete failure.

- You do realized his eyes are going to haunt me during my trip to Canada, right?

- Don't they always? I saw one of the paintings that got you the prize... That wolf seemed oddly familiar.

Her professor had submitted her paintings of Sebastian's wolf?!

- Please tell me you're joking.

- Nope.

- Has he seen it?

- I don't think so...

- You're oh so helpful Tom!

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