"You know I want to." he said and looked down at their hands. "I love you." then she let go, her heart shattered into a million pieces just watching his figure walk out the doors.

 Then she sat down one the floor and cried, cried for all the people that died during the years she was living, cried for all the people who managed to get through this stupid war that Voldemort had caused, cried because she was never going to see Harry again.


 The sun had finally rised, Leah was walking in the Entrance Courtyard trying to cope from everything that had happened. When suddenly she saw people walking towards the castle, she took special notice to a half giant that carried a life less body in it's arms.

 "Please don't tell me...." she heard Neville say from behind her.

 More people started to gather in the Entrance Courtyard as Voldemort and all of his remaining Death Eaters walked onto the grounds.

 "Harry Potter is dead!" he screamed pointing to Hagrid who was crying while cradling Harry's dead body. Leah shook her head as she heard some boos coming from the behind her.

 "Silence!" Voldemort yelled and everyone stopped.

 "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth you put your faith in me." He smiled sinisterly. "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort laughed. "The time has come! Come and join us or die." he said nobody said anything.

 "Draco! Draco!" Lucius said

 "Draco! Come." his mother called.

 Leah watched Draco as he walked over to Voldemort's side. Hiding the look of fear on his face.

"Well done Draco. well done." Voldemort hugged him then he walked over to his mother. Then Neville unexpectedly stepped forward. Leah shook her head not believing what was happening.

"Well I must say I'd hoped for better." All the Death Eaters laughed. "Who might you be young man?"

"Neville Longbottom." he answered.

"Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks."

"I'd like to say something." Neville said

Voldemort made a disapproving face. "Well Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone."

"Stand down Neville" Seamus warned, but Neville continued.

"People die every day, friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight but he's still with us, in here." he put a hand over his heart. "So is Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them. They didn't die in vain." he then turned to Voldemort. "Harry's heart did beat for us! All of us! This is not over!" Neville withdrew the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat that he had been holding.

Harry's supposed corpse moved and then it jumped out of Hagrid's arms. Everyone erupted with chatter and excitement.

"Try to get the snake. I'll lure it into the castle!" he said, Hermione handed him a basilisk fang. Then the four split up. Leah guarded the Entrance Hall, when she heard a crack noise. Somebody had apparated onto the staircase.

Leah slowly withdrew her wand getting ready for the duel she was about to partake in. The Death Eater walked down the stairs. His wand was drawn also ready to attack at moment's notice. Just as he passed in front of the pillar Leah was hiding behind she casted a Stunning spell at him, but he had deflected it with Protego. This triggered their duel.

Leah felt a rush of adrenaline pass through her. If this was going to be the last battle before the end of the war she was going to fight with dignity.

"Stupefy!" she aimed at the Death Eater but he used Protego again.

"Expelliarmus!" he said and Leah's wand went flying out of her hands. She went to get it when the Death Eater casted another spell. "Confringo!" this sent Leah flying to the bottom of the stairs, leaving her winded. She looked around, desperate for someone to save her.

"No one to save you now!" he said pointing his wand straight at her chest.

"Please! I beg you!" Leah mumbled with all the breath she had.

"Goodbye!" he said with a cruel tone of voice. "Sectumsempra!"

Leah screamed as a gash opened in her chest, then her leg, then her left side. The blood rushed out of her like an angry river. Her vision started to get blurry and she turned on her side to see to figures dueling in the Entrance Courtyard.

You can do it Harry! were her last thoughts as she immediately blacked out.

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