chapter 21: Mr arrogant

Start from the beginning

"You had to kiss me?" He asked looking at me with an annoyed face.

"Well how can I expose my love to you" I asked pouting.

"He is right there!" He said pointing at an Abelardo who froze with a mouth full of food.

The way he looked his eyes wide mouth full and a dumbfounded expression made me laugh.

When I calmed down I took my purse and headed outside.

Questions were thrown in my way before the door slammed but thankfully I avoided them.

The car was there with the shauffeur inside.

I greeted him with a smile and a good morning then told him where I was going.

"Okay I will be back in a few" I said to the driver who gave me a smile and a nod.

I walked in to the receptionist who gave me a smile and pointed to the waiting area where I saw pregnant women some big some medium they looked like they were glowing with the baby tan.

When will I look like that.

I quickly took a sit to the empty sit took the magazine on that table then started flipping the pages.

They were boring.

Not long after a nurse came calling my name and told me that they were ready to receive me.

I stood and walked in with her
I was very nervous.

I didn't need to find out the gender I just wanted to see if the baby was okay even with the last events that have been happening in my life.

"Okay hi I am doctor Remogeste I will be showing you the ultra sound." She said with a smile.

Lay in the bed please and rise your dress up.
There is a cover you can cover up." She said turning away from me to take some tools.

"This might be too cold but you will pass" she said with a smile while applying the gel on my now exposed stomach.

I didn't even flinch actually it felt very nice on my skin as if I was in a hot desert sweating like there is no tomorrow and the someone brings some ice cubes then pour them on you.

"Okay as you see the baby is okay.

Situated right.

The noise you are hearing is the heartbeat it sounds healthy so there is no problems" she said looking at me.

"You are three weeks by the way congratulates here are the photos of the ultrasound the baby is right here" she said pointing at something that looked like a bean.

I looked at it smiling while I pressed my tears away.

"As long as you eat healthy food and a lot of fruits and vegetable you will both be okay" she said keeping the photos in a brown coloured envelope then handed them to me.

"It was nice meeting you doctor" I said skating her hand.

"Don't sweat it the pleasure is all mine" she said shaking my hand.

With a last smile to her way I walked out of the room then the cold air of the air conditioner inside the waiting area hit me.

I hurried to get out of the hospital and when I spotted the car I came in I walked to the driver who was out leaning on it and thanked him for staying almost for two hours.

We drove in silence except the short questions he asked me but nothing personal.

when I reached to the house no one was there I just entered closed the door behind and headed to my room.

Mr Arrogant Jerk Where stories live. Discover now