33: A Little Glitch

Start from the beginning

'This is what you get for swearing

Matthieu Williams
The sound of plates shattering from the kitchen startled you—especially with a blank space left cold beside you in the bed. With a consciousness slowly returning, you have yet to notice that you we're suddenly taller and buffier. When you entered the kitchen premises, your thoughts were still clouded but all haziness evaporated as you see yourself, simply hawking at the shards of the broken plate.


Instead of a feminine tone, a familiar deep voice resonated from your throat—Matt's voice. Well fuck, that can't be just a sore throat. What fuckery is this?

'Y/N' snaps back to reality, must be from hearing Matt's voice. "(Y/N), is it you?" She shakily guesses,  although you can tell it wasn't from fear—the angered balled fists gave that away. "M-Matt?" Fortunately for you, a nod was a response you received.

Everything became deadly silent,  Matt, trapped in your body,  had no choice but to lean against the counter and recall the things that might've caused this. The silence,  however,  scared you shitless.

"What's going on?" You managed to let out to break the glacial ambiance, and thank the Heavens it did.

Phew. ⊙﹏⊙

It seemed like your words struck something within your—err, Matt's head, as he—ugh, she rushed to the kitchen garbage bin and unravelled the remnants of a little pink box with bits of baby blue cupcake frosting. You saw a look of fury contort on his—your face as words left your scowling lips.

"Damn you,  Oliver"

Oliver Kirkland
It was supposed to be a good jolly day for the both of you, as always but apparently that wasn't the case. But seeing as you awoke trapped within your British boyfriend's body, you found that idea hard to achieve.

It was peculiar,  yes,  but what bothered you more was Oliver pacing around in panic, seeing as he was,  in turn, encased in your mortal shell. You see, those cupcakes we're never meant for you to eat but guess who ate them anyway.

"I planned to have an extra batch of drizzled cupcake, should anything go wrong with the first one, did you not see the note?!" It was surely funny seeing your own face react like that. Perhaps it's the odd vibes affecting you but,  did you always look like that? Damn.

"I'm sorry," your simple answer was short and meaningful enough to make Oliver sigh in defeat—as always,  his love for you always wins. "... By the bye... What did you actually put in the cupcakes?" You fumbled with the sweater sleeves as you spoke. (E/c) eyes burned through you as you meekly averted the heated gaze.

"I used a magic potion on it... It has the ability to transfer your soul to the nearest body for a short while...  One bite of the cupcake should be about one hour..." At the information given,  your eyes widen in terror. You we're,  by any means doomed and Oliver caught on. "(Y/N)... How many did you eat?" The question,  to be simply put,  was very difficult for you to answer honestly,  but you remain truthful nonetheless.

"... More than a half a dozen?  I guess eight?"

"Bites?" Oliver almost fainted to see you shake your head sheepishly. Eight cupcakes?!  How on Earth was that possible?! The potion should've kicked in within minutes of eating one.

Dear Lord, (Y/N), you're definitely something.

A series of harsh knocking then came from the doors and not one bit did it help Oliver with his situation. To make it worse, opening the door would've given him his death,  if he was ever granted that.

Beyond the doors were Allen, Matt and Francois—all of which brought their lovers along with furious faces.

Definitely not making him feel better.

Luciano Vargas
"Mamma mia," Luciano gawked in front of the tall mirror after being begrudgingly awaken in your figure. "For the love of God, Luciano," you let out a groan and reached to pull him—her away from the reflection. "Stop that," Luciano dramatically leans hi—herself against your chest,  flirtatiously batting his eyelashes.

Even when stuck in a feminine body,  there was no stopping Luciano Vargas from being Luciano Vargas.

"Mr. Vargas,  are you really this handsome?" His words slipped in your voice whilst he reached a hand to trace your jaw line. You rolled your eyes, not even in the mood as you we're beginning to hate being trapped in Luciano's body. "Very funny, (Y/N)," you laugh dryly, deciding to play along with the game.

"Let's play, si?" Instantly,  you stepped back once you saw that familiar gleam of lust in those eyes. There are more important things to focus on her,  (Y/N). Get your head aWAY FROM THE GAME.

Speaking of which,  Luciano wasn't any at all mad at the situation at hand. Come to think of it, you never heard any violent reactions—should you be happy or?

"Wow, fratello, did you wish really hard?" Flavio almost cringes,  hearing everything he had to know,  even a few that he didn't have to. He judged you two with calculating stares,  but Luciano remains careless.

"From what I know, Oliver's magic can't last long... It'll ware off soon," feminine hands then made it to the collar of the shirt, tugging that fabric and unbuttoning a few buttons. "LUCIANO!!!"




I'm so sleepy (ಥ_ಥ) and this was so tricky to write

Anyhow, Love you guys!  Hope you enjoyed!


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