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Air. I was running out of air. I struggled, frantically moving my arms and legs. I kept moving, trying to get to the surface. I'm going to die. Even if I deny it. I knew that was my fate. But I didn't stop trying.

As I struggled to get to the surface, memories started to rush through my mind. I remembered everything. I remembered how my younger sister smirked at me and told me that she's in a relationship with Julian, my fiance and that I was too oblivious to even notice that Julian's just playing with me.

I remembered Julian's wicked grin before he pushed me off the yacht. I remembered everything that made my heart ache.

I can't believe that the love that I found brought me to death. Maybe it wasn't love but then again I was the one who was in love and not him. It was a one sided love. A one sided love that I'll never forget even if I tried to.

As I continued moving just to get to the surface, my eyes started to hurt. I narrowed my eyes, trying to ignore the pain. I felt myself turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

As I struggled to get up, my surroundings started to get dark. I'm going to die. That's when I stopped trying. There's no point of trying anyways. My life is a mess so why even bother to be alive. My fiancé betrayed me. My family turned their backs on me. I have nothing to live for. At least death wouldn't be so harsh on me.

I gasped as water started filling my lungs, choking me in the process.I felt dizzy. I felt myself being sank towards the bottom of the sea. And that's when darkness soon engulfed me.

Author's Note:
If there are any wrong punctuation marks or errors, please let me know. Comment. I'm currently rereading my stories to find mistakes to correct. I would appreciate it if you would let me know.

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