13 Reasons Why: Tony Lamar

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Final chapter!
"This is finally the end of these tapes and one last person who I love dearly so welcome to your tape Tony Lamar." When Tony heard his name tears welded in his eyes as he heard his sister say his name in her final tape.
"Tony mom and dad brought me home when I was just 3 days old and I remember mom and dad telling me that you asked them if I covered in chocolate. You've protected me throughout these years even when I didn't need and I appreciate that and cherished it each and every time you did it." Tony smiled wiping a stray tear as it rain down his somewhat tan cheek. Fionna laid her hand on top of his Tony gladly excepting  wanting some type of connection.
"My favorite memory we had was when we shared a room and we would have these deep conversations about well anything that was on our mind at the time. I really did miss those but I was afraid for some reason and never really figured out why because we where like two open books when we where together. All we did was smile and play around like little kids even though we are almost adults. Now that I'm gone please protect the group and the family. Now since mom and dad adopted 5 more kids for some unknown reason haha you need to keep their spirits up. I love you so much Tony and please don't forget me." That was the final tape and the final time he would hear his sister voice ever again. He gave a watery smile before getting the tap kissing it before whispering.
"I could never forget someone who changed me for the better." Tony stood up everyone following in hot pursuit of the older man. They all got in their cars and followed his to a grave site some hoping they wouldn't have to be. Once they arrived the got out and we t to find Y/n's grave. They all just stood in silence reminiscing on good and bad times hoping for better days now that all the skeletons where out of the closet. What they didn't know was Y/n was looking and protecting them.
This is the end yall!
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