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Jennifer's P.O.V

"People always say that no one ever says anything bad about the deceased at their funeral," She smiled but I knew she was crying on the inside. "But there's nothing bad to say about Jessie." Her voice broke at the mention of his name and Cate held her hand at the podium, making sure she was ok.

All my life I was used to rain at every funeral but this one was different. The sun was so hot that umbrellas were needed even without the water falling on our heads. Maybe the weather was a reflection of him; Jessie. His bright smile. His scorching aura. And his pure heart.

Everyone was present to say goodbye to him.

Serillina and her daughter Vaughna were here along with the other two witch sisters, Satyr and Sidina. Lydia, who was Adrian's caretaker sat next to him and offered him as much comfort as she could. Ember and another caretaker, Madeline, were also here. Every member of Nick's clan, himself included were present and as expected, every single member of my pack.

Ian was absent for a long time but during the time he was a part of our pack he and Jessie grew very close while Jessie taught him some of his best fighting tactics.

I looked over to make sure he was alright but his eyes were focused on the caretaker who sat with Ember; Madeline.

"Hey...are you ok?" I rubbed his cheek softly with my thumb.

"Uh yeah, I'm alright."

"Do you know her? Madeline?"

Those muddy blue eyes looked into mine and for a moment I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "No I don't...she just looks really familiar that's all."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine, Jen." He smiled and kissed me but I still felt as though something was wrong.

"Jessie was a great guy...and not just to me. He was a great guy to everyone who knew and met him. He tried so hard to make everyone happy. He was so selfless. He never put himself first...it was always about fixing someone else's problems." Avalon smiled and wiped her eyes. "We had plans; big plans. After that fight we planned to leave for a while and make some changes to our lives. Well, it definitely has changed. But I am trying so hard to convince myself that my Jessie is in a better place now. I hope that he is. It's gonna take a long time for me to move on...in fact, that's never going to happen. But I want to thank all of you here today...for offering me your love and support during what I know is going to be the worst time of my life." By the time she was done speaking her face was soaked. She knelt slowly next to our fallen brother who was lying lifeless in the mahogany coffin and kissed his head. "I love you Jessie."

After the coffin was covered and we all placed red roses on the top, Adrian, Garrett, Vince and Ian lowered it into the ground.

Adrian was awfully quiet as he usually was in situations like these. However I could tell that something else bothered him.

When the service ended everyone dispersed out of their seats and chatted with each other. A lot of people made sure that Avalon was doing ok. I wasn't sure where Ian went so I walked to the lake near the cemetery in search of him but there was no one there. At least that's what I thought.

"Angel?" He called as though he wasn't sure it was me.

"Nick." I turned to him and smiled. Today was the first day I ever saw him in a tuxedo and I hoped it wasn't the last. After the fight he cleaned up well. He wasn't clean shaven but his facial hair was neatly trimmed and marked on his face. He had gotten a haircut two days ago and the clear crystalline eyes were back again. His skin was no longer pale. Instead, he looked more alive than he ever did before.

Change of Heart 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora