Chapter 94

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Jennifer's P.O.V

Tears exuded his clear, crystal eyes; eyes that were becoming darker and nefarious by the second. I knew that the smug smirk on Chad's face intensified his frustration and it was evident by the blood that clotted on the golden eyed killer's hands under Nick's hold.

I hated seeing him that way. For once, I wish Nick would just kill Chad and get it over with but instead he opened his mouth and asked:

"Why did you do it?" His words were buttered with peace but I knew that havoc was the filling.

"Do what, Demarco? I've done lots of things in the past decade or two...please, be more specific."

"My mother," His grip tightened and Chad grunted softly. "Why did you do it?"

Chad laughed despite the pain he was in. "You really can't say it huh? Is it really that hard?"

The crystalline eyes were gone...replaced with charcoal, emotionless studs.

"I'm sorry it's just that...I don't think I would ever understand this sentimentality everyone else has. But tell me, do you want to know why I killed your mother?"

"Yes. I need to know why you−

"Ignored her screams and took her life anyway? You want to know why I looked into those desperate, scared and beautiful light blue crystal eyes but still made the decision to suck every living cell out of her frail body? Do you want to know why I−

"That's enough Chad! Just answer the damn question already!" I tried my best to stay out of it but the look in Nick's eyes pained me more than any fight today did.

"Very well," He smiled and looked into Nick's eyes. "I killed your mother because I was instructed to."

"Someone told you to kill my mother and you did it?" Nick smiled and I was sure that this meant that Chad was taking his last breaths.

"Well to be fair I did get something very well worth it in the end."

"Oh yeah? And what was that? What was worth me losing my mother, my only parent, at ten years old? What was worth me being lonely for years never knowing again what love was, what it felt like to be loved, to be wanted or to belong somewhere! What was worth me being on my own for decades searching for someone to love me?! For someone to hold me at night and tell me that everything would be ok! For someone, anyone, to say the words 'I love you' to me because to me those three little words mean the world! What was worth that?"

"You're not as strong as you pretend to be huh? Under this hard shell you're just−you're still−a little lost, unloved boy who long each day for love."

"What was worth it?" He shouted so loud that everyone, even some of the remaining members of Chad's army stopped. His eyes were now turning red and his grip moved to Chad's neck. Yet, the demon managed to smile.

"F− freedom."

"Who made this deal with you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He smiled and shook his head. "You may have the honor of killing me Demarco but you will never have the same with knowing who was really responsible for your mother's death."

"If you don't tell me who the hell it was I'll−

"You'll what? Kill me? I'm sorry but you're gonna do that anyway...I have nothing to lose so please, let's get on with it."

Nick did the opposite of what I or anyone else including Chad expected him to do. His hands loosened and his muscles eased and he looked into Chad's eyes with soft, easy eyes that were once again crystal. "No."

"I'm sorry what?" The surprise was evident on Chad's face.

"I'm not going to kill you."

"Let me get this all went through all of this trouble to set me free?" He seemed confused and frankly so was I.

Nick smiled and touched Chad's shoulder as though he was thanking him for being a good friend. "Death is too easy. You don't deserve the same fate as my deserve far worst. You deserve to be condemned somewhere where the devil seems like fucking Santa Claus riding his freshly polished sleigh led by Rudolph on Christmas Eve's night."

"While I appreciate the metaphors and vivid details I hate to burst your bubble but such a place does not exist."

"Not yet...but I happen to know the three most powerful witches in the world and ironically, two of them created you."

"What's your point?"

"I'm gonna enlist their help to create something...a place...somewhere I know they'll take pleasure creating."

"And what place might that be?"

The happiest smile I ever saw in real life spread across Nick's face. "Your personal hell."

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