Chapter 48

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"Ah shit." He groaned as he covered his eyes from the burning sunlight that snuck through the windows when the curtains blew. He groaned again this time holding his head and sitting up. "What the hell did I drink?" His eyes remained closed as he tried to steady the dizziness that accompanied the pounding, stinging and even burning headache. He took a deep breath and groaned again but when he opened his eyes the pain wasn't the only thing that worried him. Swinging his head from left to right he tried to identify his location but he couldn't. It was only until he tried to get up he realized he was fully naked. "Oh my fucking God!" He said out loud looking at all of his clothes scattered on the floor, along with clothes of a woman.

"Shit, shit, shit!" He palmed his face, took another breath and looked over to his side where a woman laid on her stomach was fully naked as well. He shook his head in dismay and took the sheet up throwing it over her to cover her very naked rare. "God Adrian you are the biggest fuck up in fucking California!" He scolded himself while getting off the bed to put his clothes on and get out.

"Hey you." The voice of a woman seemed to full the entire room. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

He swallowed hard and turned slowly to face the woman he had fun with last night. "Scarlet?" His green eyes were wide and filled with shock as he saw who was on the bed. "Oh God! Oh my, I am so sorry, fuck!" He said the last word more to himself.

"Sorry?" She looked confused as she pulled him back down onto the bed, wrapping her arms around him, and placing soft kisses on his bare back. "You're not sorry, neither am I. We both enjoyed last night."

He pulled away from her and stood up. "Um, Scarlet really, I am sorry. And I don't remember what the hell happened last night. Clearly I was way out of my mind." He spoke in a hurry, searching the floor for his shirt.

"Adrian you wanted me. You told me that you love me." She said. "Don't you?"

"Scarlet I obviously had way too much to drink last night and I am never drinking like that ever again. What happened last night was a mistake, a huge one and if I could take it back I won't hesitate to, in fact I would do anything to reverse what happened, anything." He explained. "Where the fuck is my shirt?" He continued to search.

"How could you say that?" Her voice broke and she looked as though she might cry.

"Look it's the truth. And this isn't just my fault it's yours too. You know that I have a girlfriend Scarlet. You know I love Cate and you know how much she means to me. Why did you even let that happen?"

"You wanted to, you thought..."

He looked at her seriously. "I thought what?" He asked walking closer to her. "What did I think Scarlet?" He yelled causing her to jump.

"Adrian, don't speak to me like that." She wiped her eyes.

"Tell me what the fuck I thought?" He shouted holding her shoulders and shaking her.

"You thought I was Kai."

He let go of her and backed away. "Exactly, I thought you were someone else."


"Because if I knew it was you I would have never done what I did last night. I don't even remember what it was and I sure as fucking hell don't want to." He found his shirt and put it on.

"Adrian please−

"I don't wanna hear you Scarlet. You are disgusting. You're unbelievable, you're a bitch and I hate you."

"Yea well I love you, Adrian." She shouted as he opened the door. "And I am never gonna stop loving you."

He looked back over his shoulder with the door held open. "I hope you enjoy disappointment." He slammed it shut and left the house. 

Change of Heart 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora