Chapter 14

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"You are being so ridiculous right now Jessie it isn't even funny!" She yelled slamming the door on him but he held it back before it got the chance to slam into his face.

"I am not being ridiculous snow, you are!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Fine Avalon! You are the ridiculous one here!" He shouted at her.

"How am I being ridiculous Jessie? You're the one accusing me!"

"Because you're doing things for me to accuse you!"

"What? What am I doing? Having a friend? Is that a crime now?"

Adrian hung up the phone and walked to where they were arguing. "Hey, uh Avalon?"

"He is just my friend Jessie."

"Just a friend?" Jessie laughed. "I don't think he believes that!"

"Why? Because he took me out? Because we actually had fun together?"

"Avalon?" Adrian tried to get her attention again.

"So what, don't we have fun together?" Jessie asked.

"Yea we have fun, when we're practicing martial arts or going over battle strategies!"


"What Adrian!" She yelled at him.

"Look sorry to disturb you two during such a romantic time but−

"Romantic?" She laughed. "Jessie doesn't know the meaning of that."

"Ok well−

"I don't know how to be romantic? So what does he?"

"Would you two shut the hell up for two goddamn seconds?" Adrian shouted.

"What do you want?" Jessie asked.

"Where's Cate?" He asked Avalon.

"How am I supposed to know that?"

"You didn't see her today?"

"Of course she didn't, she was too busy having lunch with her new boyfriend." Jessie commented.


"The two of you don't start, not now." Adrian warned. "Avalon, she told me she was going out with you today. I was on the phone with her and she told me she saw you coming. She was by the plaza."

"Adrian, I was nowhere near the plaza today. I was having lunch on the other side of town."

"Hey, what's going on?" Aiden walked into the room.

"She wouldn't lie to me." Adrian looked worried.

"Did you try calling her?" Jessie asked.

"Her phone is going straight to voice mail."

"Is everything ok?" Aiden asked. When no one replied he gave up and just stole the information from Adrian's thoughts. Now he too, was worried.

"I'm sure she'll show up soon." Jessie said.

"This is not like Cate." Avalon stated. "She won't lie about where she's going and she definitely won't turn her phone off."

"Avalon's right." Aiden said. "That doesn't sound like Cate at all."

"I've known Cate for a very long time." Garrett said walking into the room. "She would never do something like this. It doesn't add up."

Avalon walked next to Adrian and held his hand. "Don't worry, we're gonna find her."

"I'll help you." Ian added. He had just entered the room.

"I don't need your help." Adrian said glaring at Ian. "I'll track her phone."

"You installed a tracking device in her phone?" Aiden asked.

"I installed a tracking device in all of your phones." He said, and then looked at Ian. "Except you, I don't care about you."

"Again, no offence taken." Ian said before leaving the room.

"What if something happened to her?" Avalon asked.

"Why would someone want to hurt Cate? And if they did...who?" Aiden asked.

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