Chapter 62

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Nick's P.O.V

When I got back to the house it was fairly quiet. I had to admit, I had a bit of repentance for what I had just done. I even think that my mother would have been very disappointed in me, but it had to be done. As I cleared it from my mind, or at least tried to, I ascended the staircase that led into the house. I felt it as soon as I stepped foot inside; the tense atmosphere was thicker than the smoke I puff every day, every hour actually.

"'re ok." I was both shocked and confused to see the curly headed boy Jennifer absolutely adores standing by the door in perfect shape and fitness.

"Surprised aren't we?" His tone was cocky and I swore I saw his eyes roll.

"Yea, I am actually. Thought you were dead." I stepped further into the house and gave Satyr a questionable stare.

"I think the words you're looking for Nick is, Adrian you're ok, I'm so happy that you are and not drained of blood somewhere in a ditch."

"I think those words were implied."

"Maybe, for normal people."

"Are you saying I'm not normal?" I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Are you saying that you aren't?" He smiled a cocky smile.

This boy was starting to get on my nerves.

"What are y− is there a problem?" I folded my arms.

"Is there one?"

"I asked first."

"I'm asking second. Does the order in which the question was asked matter?" He folded his arms as well.

I laughed. "You know what, forget it. Where is Jennifer?"

"You know," He walked closer to me. "I'm not so sure she wants to see you right now."

"I am not in the mood for games, Reynard." I shook my head and walked past him heading for her door. After I knocked twice and there was no answer I pushed it open and saw her sitting on her bed, both feet up, with her hands hugging her knees. Instinctively I smiled but when she turned around and looked at me, the poison in her stare brought my lips to a straight hard line.

"Angel what's−

"Where were you?" She asked not blinking or breaking her very intense stare. I never thought I would not like Jennifer staring at me this much. "Where were you Nick?" She repeated herself much louder and I realized I didn't answer the first time.

"I um...I had some stuff to do."

"I want you to leave." She stated with no expression and looked away from me.


"Get out of my room Nick." Her tone was calm and this scared the shit out of me more than anything else ever did.

"Angel please, whatever it is we can talk about−

"Don't fucking call me that! I am not your angel I am nothing to you Nick and I will never be!" She finally screamed as I expected but I didn't expect her to propel the lamp after me. I ducked and it shattered on her door.

"Jennifer please−

"Who the fuck do you think you are huh?" She got up and began walking to me.

"Nick Octavius."

"Shut up!" She bunched my collar into her tight fists and slammed me into her door. "Don't give me any of your cocky, sarcastic bullshit! How dare you send Ian away?"

"Ian is dangerous, I was trying to protect you. You're better off without him"

As soon as I was done talking she shocked me by slapping me across my face so hard that I felt it beginning to swell immediately. "It is none of your fucking business! Did I ask for your protection?"

"You didn't have to ask me Jennifer. That's why I'm here. That's why we're all here. We are a team now, we help each other."

"Fuck you Nick. You don't wanna help. You just want to get into my pants. That's all you've ever wanted."

"How can you even say that?" She must be insane. Sure, that would definitely be a bonus, but that was the last thing on my mind. I loved Jennifer; genuinely.

"Since you came here you've been trying to get with me Nick."

"Because I really love you Jennifer. I don't ever think about you like that, honestly it's really fucking disrespectful. Look my mother may not have been there for me much but she raised a man. I will never pursue you for a fling, are you crazy? You mean way more to me than that whether you believe it or not."

"I don't believe anything you say anymore Nick. You lied to Ian!"

"This man tried to kill Adrian! Do you not recall that?" I shouted. "Don't you think he would've done the same to you?"

"That is not yours to decide!" She shoved me into the door again. "Get this straight, I care about him not you! I will never care about you so from today stop trying. You are nothing to me Nick and you never will be. I can't stand you any longer."

I stared at her in absolute disbelief but didn't allow my immense hurt to show.

"You−you don't mean that." My voice was soft.

"I do. Now get out of my room."

"Jennifer, can we just talk about this?" I touched her face. Big mistake.

She grabbed my extended hand just as it touched her face and yanked it all the way behind my back with so much strength that it broke instantly. Ignoring my groans of pain she applied pressure on my broken bone.

"Get out." She spoke calmly into my ear and pushed me towards the door.


"Get out of my fucking room!" She screamed so loudly that I jumped and I was sure the people outside thought I was holding a gun to her head. There was no hope in talking again so I turned and grabbed the doorknob.

"Nick." The instant I turned the knob her voice sounded my name and I was ready to grab her into my arms despite the fact that she intentionally broke my arm.


"I changed my mind." She spoke but didn't look at me and just as I was about to smile she spoke again. "Get out of my house."

I sighed and turned her doorknob for what might be the very last time.

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