Chapter 22

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When she opened the door she couldn't help but smile despite what she was feeling inside. Even though he dressed simple, with normal black denim jeans, a white T shirt and sneakers, she had never seen someone look so good.

"Come in." She said moving to the side so he could walk into the house. She shut the door softly and followed him inside.

"Your house looks different, since I last saw it." He commented looking around.

"Yea well I uh, cleaned up a bit, have a seat."

She sat next to him on the couch. "So how've you been?" He asked.

"Uh great actually. I've been thinking about you since last time." She said a bit nervously.

"It's funny I have been thinking about you too." He smiled coming closer. "Couldn't get my mind off of you."

She laughed uneasily. "I thought it would be nice to have you over for dinner tonight."

"I was looking forward to your call." He said touching her hair.

"Would you," she moved away. "would you like something to drink?"

"I'm fine I−

He was saying but she was already on her way to the kitchen. While she was gone he looked at some of her photographs on the wall when his vision began to blur. He blinked several times and it cleared up but then started again.

"Are you ok Vince?" She asked placing a glass of what looked like red wine on the table in front of him.

"Yea I'm ok." He lied, still blinking quickly, but Angelica's focus was on the glass of wine and what was in it. If Vince didn't drink it fast she might change her mind and throw it down the drain like she wanted to a few seconds ago. She picked up her glass of wine and took a sip.

"You know wine is better when it's cold." She said drinking some more.

He smiled and took his glass but before he could take a sip he began to cough. She looked at him hoping that it would stop but it got worst. In seconds he began to choke, the glass broken on the floor and the wine spilled.

"Vince!" She yelled throwing herself on the ground next to him trying to help him, which was ironic for the sole reason she invited him was to kill him. Now the only thing she could think about was making sure he was ok. Sweat soaked his entire body and he got so hot that it was hard to touch his bare skin. His eyes refused to open but his mouth refused to close as he bellowed and bawled continuously as if he was in excruciating pain. Despite the way his skin burned hers, Angelica kept him in her arms and didn't let go.

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